
Welcome to Space City Rock. We’re a happy little e-zine that covers music, movies, comics, weirdness, and whatever the heck else we feel like (okay, yeah, it’s mostly music, but the rest pops in occasionally). We listen to pretty much anything and everything, from the utterly mainstream (hell, we’ve even run a Madonna review) to the intensely obscure (anybody remember The Vehicle Birth?), with somewhat of a focus on the indie side of the spectrum. We like punk, we like indie-rock, we like hip-hop, we like metal, we like country (well, some of it, anyway) — we like pretty much all of it, in some form or another. We generally run reviews of CDs, LPs, 7-inches, DVDs, movies still in the theaters, and live shows, as well as interviews with various folks and the occasional glimpse of non-musical/movie things like books or magazines.

For the locals, yep, we also happen to focus somewhat on the Houston music scene. One of our primary goals since we started this thing has been to bring H-town music up to the same level as indie or major-label music from elsewhere, so we try to spend about half our time writing about or interviewing local bands, musicians, and scenesters of all stripes. There’s also the ever-loved shows list, plus links and info about local bands we like, venues, record labels, zines/magazines/e-zines, and recording studios.

We’ve been doing this for quite a while now, by the way — the original site started out way back in 1995 as just a list of links to different bands & clubs around town, turned into a print zine in 1999, and turned back into an online-only e-zine thing in 2002. We used to have our full history up here but took it down for the sake of brevity; if anybody’s really (weirdly) curious, email us, and we’ll send it to you.

Amazon.com Our talented writers are scattered all over the country/globe, but most are either H-town dwellers or expats who still think fondly of Helltown, USA. Our doors are open to everybody, naturally, so aspiring writers/reviewers who’d like to join our all-volunteer staff (sorry, but we’re not in this to make money, at least not at this point) should contact us at the email below. We’ve got folks from all walks of life; as long as the writing’s good, we’re open to it. Check the Credits, below, to see our current — and past — rosters of writers (and click on the linked names for more info about each of ’em, if you feel like it).

In terms of publishing, we moved in the early spring of 2006 to a more “traditional” publishing schedule from the issue-based deal we used to try to do. These days, we put up ten or twelve new reviews every few weeks, and a new interview or two every month, as we get ’em. And yes, we do run ads — see the bottom of this page for more details on that. Enjoy…

Believe it or not, we’ve won a couple of awards over the years:


If you want to send Space City Rock stuff to review (CDs, DVDs, records, books, the works), correspondence, free stickers, other zines/magazines, or whatever the hell else you want, send it here:

P.O. Box 541010
Houston, TX. 77254
“gaijin” at “spacecityrock dot com” (sorry; trying to avoid the spambots)

One minor peeve, though: please don’t bother sending us a “sampler” of your upcoming CD/EP/magnum opus and expect us to review it. We’ll gladly listen to the real thing, and demos are fine, as long as they’re actual “full” releases (and yes, a ZIP file of MP3s counts as a “release” these days; it’s the 20-teens, after all). I mean, c’mon — you wouldn’t send the first 50 pages of a book you’ve written to the NY Times Review of Books and expect them to review it, would you?

Publishers: Jeremy Hart // Marc Hirsh // Mel House

Editor-in-Chief: Jeremy Hart

Submissions Editor: Creg Lovett

Page by . Page updated Wednesday, October 13th, 2010.

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5 Responses to “About”

  1. Evan J. Thomas on August 12th, 2010 at 8:16 am

    Good morning! I met one of your writers on Sunday at Lollapalooza in Chicago. He and I talked about me submitting some of the Soundgarden photos or some of the other bands for your site and review. I would be interested in helping out. Let me know what I need to do for you.

    Evan J. Thomas


  2. Nick Montez on December 19th, 2011 at 1:07 pm

    I was looking to see if you were interested in using any of my work for your blog. I’ve photographed 20+ Houston area bands.

  3. Eric Moeller on March 19th, 2012 at 12:37 am


    I am a representative for the band Elbodo, who is competing in the final round of the Houston area Hard Rock Cafe global battle of the bands. I am speaking with a couple of promoters and review writers in the Houston area, and I was curious to know if one of your columnists would be interested in coming out to the Hard Rock Cafe Houston on March 31st. Elbodo is one of the three finalists in all of the Houston area. They are a seven piece band that consists of three guitars, two keyboards, bass, and drums.

    The show begins at 9pm on Saturday March 31st and it is free to get in.

    If there is anything that I can do to accomodate one of your writers in coming out to the show please let me know.

    I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Have a great day.


    Eric Moeller.


  4. DGProduction on January 1st, 2013 at 3:36 pm

    We’re looking for a music reviews for our artists
    I have an artist called Ryan Michalski with his album you are hard to touch
    And a band called cosmic punch with their album clay pit road we’re looking for music reviews who do I contact can you please e-mail me back is e-mail address so I can send you a copy of these two artists

    Web site http://www.DGProduction.net

  5. Matt on October 8th, 2017 at 9:04 pm

    just letting y’all know our band exists:


    check the site for sounds and shows! See you soon!

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