Tonight: Music for a Good Cause in Tomball

I’ve found that since becoming a parent myself, stuff involving kids just breaks my heart, y’know? Not that I didn’t care at all before, but it seems to hit a heck of a lot closer to home now that I’ve got my own little person to watch over and worry about. I guess that’s kind of part of the point of the whole parenthood deal.

At any rate, that’s partly why the email I got a few days back hit me pretty hard. There’ll be a Benefit Concert tonight (Sat., February 16th) out in Tomball at a place called “Mainstreet Crossing” (111 West Main St.), and it’s for a 12-year-old boy named Josh Shupak who was horribly burned, along with his dad, in a campfire accident back in November. The details are tragic; here’s the info from the flyer itself:

Josh Shupak, 12 years old, and his Father Don, were badly burned in a freak accident involving a small campfire. Flames shot into the air and ignited their clothing. Josh’s father stumbled to the ground in shock as others put out the flames. Frightened, Josh ran from the flames. By the time the flames were put out, Josh had burns over 85% of his body. Don had over 50% of his body burned.

Josh and Don were taken by air ambulance to get medical treatment. Josh was taken to the Shriner’s Burn Center in Galveston and Don was taken to to the University of Texas Medical Branch.

Because of extensive burns, Josh has had quite a few surgeries already and has had to have some of his fingers trimmed back, as well as his ears. His mother, Cheryl, has said he has been very brave throughout this traggic event. Cheryl is not working and has had to relocate to Galveston to be nearby her son during his surgical procedures, so they need financial assistance. Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated.

Josh attended public school in Magnolia and was known as a “sweet kid,” and he is very well liked and missed by his schoolmates.

All proceeds of this Benefit Concert will go to Cheryl Shupak.

The poor kid; man, it just kills me reading it again… There are some more details here, courtesy of the Tomball Magnolia Tribune.

In order to help cover the family’s financial burden — wonderful system, isn’t it, where your kid getting hurt can throw you into financial ruin on top of the injury itself? — some kind local (I think?) musicians are playing at the concert tonight, including Patti Sullivan, April Kelly, Tom Tranchilla, Brock Rodarte, Danny Everitt, & Perry Thomas. The show kicks off at 8PM, and the suggested donation’s $20, although they may accept less, I dunno. You can call 281-252-9141 for more info.

If you can’t make it to the show tonight, apparently a teacher in Josh’s hometown of Magnolia has started a trust fund for Josh and his family at Woodforest National Bank to help with the medical & other expenses — if interested in contributing, contact her at “tberry” at “magnoliaisd dot org”.

At any rate, there you go. Please help out if you can.

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, February 16th, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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