Celebrate With Do713, This Thursday (For Free, If You’re Lucky!)

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year, but damn, there it is — as of this week, local entertainment/arts/whatever clearinghouse {Do713} is officially one year old, and it’s been quite a year for ’em. They’ve quickly risen to the top of the small pile of places I go to see what’s going on on a given night, and they catch a ton of stuff that I cringingly admit I miss. I’m very, very glad they’re around. (And hey, they apparently also have a blog, too, where they talk about shows & other upcoming events; I didn’t even realize they had that…)

Of course, it helps that the folks running the show over there — a group that includes honcho Philip Beck, Matthew Wettergreen, and SCR‘s own Robin Babb — are the coolest, nicest folks you could ever hope to meet… But hey, even judging ’em just by the site alone, they’ve accomplished a pretty tremendous feat, taking on heavyweights of the Houston online scene like the {Houston Press} or {29-95.com} & coming out looking pretty damn good.

So, to celebrate a year of happy successful-ness, they’re throwing a party this coming Thursday, May 5th, over at the El Dorado Ballroom, with Austinites Auto Body as the musical guests of the evening.

I’ll admit that I’d never heard of these guys before now, but I’m fairly impressed — heavy, eardrum-assaulting, electro-rock that’s chock-full of crunching, bumping synths and detached, Britpop-sounding vocals, all pulled off quite nicely. Think Pulsars cross-bred with The Faint (or maybe Bloc Party?), and you’ll get the general idea. Plus, local electro-popsters {Glasnost} will reportedly be opening, so that’s pretty cool in itself…

Now, for the really good part: thanks to the aforementioned coolness of the Do713 folks, we’ve got a pair of tickets to give away for the festivities. I won’t make anybody jump through any hoops this time around — if you want to go, send email to “contests” at “spacecityrock dot com” asap, with the Subject line “Melt my brain, please!” One lucky winner will walk away with the tickets and get to party down to the sounds of Auto Body & Glasnost, all for free-free-free. Cool? Get to emailing, y’all.

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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