Good Thing to Do Time: Help Punk Rock Stacy

This is heartbreaking… I can’t claim to know Punk Rock Stacy (aka Stacy Hartoon) personally, but I’ve long been a fan.

She’s been a rock in Houston’s punk scene for years now and is a beloved fixture at Rudyard’s, the one true remnant left of my own time living in the Montrose, where she’s worked as a bartender, money-taker, and show-booker. She’s helped a lot of bands in this city get a break, and that’s always, always, always a good thing in my book.

Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor earlier this month; apparently there’s no results yet from the biopsy, but even with my very-limited medical knowledge, it’s pretty clear that any kind of a brain tumor is a bad thing. I’ve got my fingers crossed in any way I can, but this is scary, no two ways about it.

In order to help her cover the medical expenses — because yeah, there will be medical expenses — some good-hearted folks have created a GoFundMe page for Stacy, where you can go and chip in if you feel like it. (I’m about to, myself.) Big medical things like this can absolutely bankrupt somebody, especially somebody who’s primary job is working at a bar. Sigh.

I’m told there are also plans in the works to set up some kind of benefit show early in 2019, so keep an eye out for that, as well, but in the meantime, help out if you can, alright? Every little bit helps.

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 20th, 2018. Filed under Posts.

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