This Weekend: Wide-Eye Music Marathon Hits East Downtown, and It’s Gonna Be Beautiful

Hey, y’all — been quiet lately, I know, and I’m sorry about that. I’ve been somewhat preoccupied with, um, other things lately…[mumble]thefateofthecountryandtexasturningblueand
… So I’ve kinda fallen behind yet again; profuse apologies, and I swear, I am trying to get better.

Unfortunately, I’ll be offline this weekend — camping with the little guy’s Cub Scout den — but there’s a whole lot of excellent stuff happening, from LUCA, Cool Moon(!), and The Sour Notes(!!) tonight at Insomnia Gallery to Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top playing, also tonight, up at Revention, to The Beans doing their joint album-release and breakup show (sob) at Rockefeller’s with Miears, also-also tonight, to Emmure blasting through Clear Lake’s Scout Bar tomorrow night, to the Taco Mania & Texas Taco Music Fest, which will hopefully happen tomorrow at 2811 Travis, to Ian Moore playing Rockefeller’s tomorrow evening, to The Districts opening for Hippo Campus at White Oak Music Hall, again tomorrow evening.

There’s a ton more, but you get the idea, right? But with alllllll of that, the show I think sounds the coolest is a thing called the Wide-Eye Music Marathon, which will be happening tomorrow — Saturday, November 10th — over at the aforementioned Insomnia Gallery and Bohemeo’s, which happen to share the same building over in East Downtown.

This is a cool, cool thing. It’s the brainchild of musician Whitney Andrew — who literally seems to be in every Houston band I go and see, lately; I don’t understand when she sleeps — and it brings together some of my favorite people all in one place, which is always cool, at least to me. I mean, they’re my favorite people, so I’m biased, but really, they should also be your favorite people, too.

There are some excellent, excellent bands, like indie-rock personal fave Jealous Creatures, awesome singer-songwriter/pop star Arthur Yoria, doom-metal dudes Funeral Horse, and crazy/wacky punks Bernie Pink, plus folks like Branagan and Howard & The Nosebleeds that I’ve been meaning to see/hear for a while now.

There’ll also be vendors selling art and books and I have no idea what the hell else, plus food from The Umbrella Guys. All in all, it sounds like it’s going to be a truly cool, laidback, hang-out-with-your-friends-who-happen-to-make-music kind of deal, and that’s absolutely my favorite kind of mini-festival like this. Oh, and the whole thing is $10, which is just slightly more than I spent at Jack In The Box for lunch today, so there’s that. Brave the cold & get on out there…

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, November 9th, 2018. Filed under Posts.

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