Tonight: The Western Civilization + REZZ + Satanic Overlords of Rock n Roll + Blackgrass Gospel + More

Yes, friends, is Thanksgiving Eve — or so I’m told; I’d never actually heard that term ’til this month — Wednesday, November 21st, and while it’s not as crazy as the weekends have been recently, there’s still a decent-sized pile of cool shows happening tonight…

Good Thing to Do Time: Help Punk Rock Stacy

This is heartbreaking… I can’t claim to know Punk Rock Stacy (aka Stacy Hartoon) personally, but I’ve long been a fan. She’s been a rock in Houston’s punk scene for years now and is a beloved fixture at Rudyard’s

The Wheel Workers, post-truth

It hasn’t even been a full decade since the first time I heard The Wheel Workers — which was then less a “band” and more just frontman/songwriter Steven Higginbotham yelling (okay, okay, speaking eloquently) into the void — but in the intervening years, it feels like we’ve seen change enough to last a century…

Texas Piano Man Robert Ellis Is Fucking Crazy with His New Video

Oh, wow. I know he doesn’t live here anymore, but like a handful of other luminaries (Jana Hunter and Carolyn Wonderland, for two), I will always, always consider Robert Ellis a Houstonian, for ever and ever, no matter where the hell he happens to lay his hat…

Mid-Week Awesomeness: Drivin’ N Cryin’ (x2!), MAE, & Ian Sweet, All Playing Tonight

So, it’s a WednesdayNovember 14th, to be precise — and that’s not normally a big day/night for shows, at least not around here. Mid-week tends to be slow a lot of the time, y’know? Today, though, things are a little different…

This Weekend: Wide-Eye Music Marathon Hits East Downtown, and It’s Gonna Be Beautiful

Hey, y’all — been quiet lately, I know, and I’m sorry about that. I’ve been somewhat preoccupied with, um, other things lately…[mumble]thefateofthecountryandtexasturningblueandbetoandlizzieandstufflikethat[mumble]… So I’ve kinda fallen behind yet again; profuse apologies, and I swear, I am trying to get better. Unfortunately, I’ll be offline this weekend…

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