Tonight: DUCKWRTH Blasts Back Into White Oak Music Hall with a New Video (& Deem Spencer, Too)

A few months back, the kid and I were able to catch one of her favorite DJs, What So Not, up at White Oak Music Hall. It was a damn good show, not just because of the headliner — who was very, very good, I have to say — but because of stellar opener DUCKWRTH

We Were Promised Jetpacks, The More I Sleep The Less I Dream

It’s bizarre to even type it, but it’s been longer than I’d realized since I last heard anything from one of my favorite bands, Edinburgh’s We Were Promised Jetpacks. They released the stellar Unravelling back in 2014, and I loved it, and I finally got to see the band play live and loved that, too, and then…well, nothing, for a good long while…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Suspects 25 Anniversary + The Ex-Optimists + The Cryptographers + A Sundae Drive + Wild Moccasins + VODI + John Allen Stephens + More

Sigh. So, I’d hoped I would be out and about this evening — Saturday, October 6th — but it’s looking less like that and more like I’m going to be on Little Guy Duty tonight. Which I love, don’t get me wrong, because he’s the best Little Guy ever, but there’s a ton of cool stuff happening this evening…

The Ex-Optimists, Drowned in Moonlight

Hey, Ex-Optimists crew; look, we need to talk. I mean, I love y’all — you know I do — but it’s starting to creep me out having you rummage around inside my head and pulling out all the damn sounds I loved back in college. It feels like some Inception-level shit, y’know? I’d appreciate it if you’d at least let me know when you’re going to do it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Hobo Johnson + Rose Ette + EL LAGO + Astragal + Good Old War + The Bright Light Social Hour + DAZE + More

I dunno what it is lately, but there’ve been a ton of excellent, excellent shows happening in our hot-fog-enduring city, more than I’d generally expect for this time of year; it feels like Summertime Part 2 around here, both music- and weather-wise… So let’s take a quick look at what’s going on tonight, Friday, October 5th, alright?…

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