Lip-Sync Your Way Onstage at In Bloom & Get the Official In Bloom App, Too

I know this is a bit on the late-notice side, but…well, what the hell. If you think your lip-sync game is strong (and I’m thinking here of Paul Rapp on The Jimmy Fallon Show), and you want the chance to jump up on stage and perform at the fast-approaching In Bloom Music Festival, hey, you’re in luck, because the good people at Pegstar are giving you that very opportunity.

Record yourself somehow doing your best damn lip-sync performance and post it on Instagram with the tags #Inbloombattle and @inbloomfest, and celebrity judges Faith Silva, Paul Wall, Bun B, & a bunch more will judge ’em and pick the winners.

You can see some more of the details over here, but here’s the gist:

Oh, and the first prize winner also performs live on stage at In Bloom — not sure if that gets you into the festival or not, mind you, so if you win, you might want to ask…

Anyway, get on it now, because the deadline is today, Friday, March 16th.

While we’re at it…festival attendess should check out the official In Bloom Music Fest app, which I’ve been playing around with a bit this week. It’s got the full schedule, of course, and lets you customize your own personal schedule, which is something I’ve liked with other festival apps, and a nice map of Eleanor Tinsley Park showing not only where the stages are but also where food, merch booths, water, etc. is all around the festival grounds.

One cool little feature I discovered in there that I’ve never seen before — if it was in the FPSF or Day for Night apps, I never found it — is the Friend Finder, which is hidden away under the More… part of the app menu. It lets you and your friends add one another using the app, so you can see where the hell your friends are when you’re trying to fight your way through the crowd over at the Fauna Stage (yes, there’s the Fauna, Flora, Ostara, and, breaking with the quasi-pagan theme, Bud Light stages).

This, to me, is probably the single most useful feature I can imagine for an app like this; I cannot count the number of times friends & I have literally passed one another while slogging back and forth across an entire festival, sometimes never actually succeeding in meeting up. This makes things way easier on that front.

The other useful feature didn’t really hit me ’til last year’s FPSF — the notifications are pretty damn crucial for something like this. After Day 1 of FPSF got hit by rain, I hiked across Downtown to get some dinner; I wouldn’t have know if it was worth coming back if I hadn’t gotten a notification via the FPSF app that the festival gates had been reopened. So there’s that…

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, March 16th, 2018. Filed under Posts.

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