Day for Night, Coming Up Fast: A Cool Discount Just For You + Set Times Now Live

Argh. Been fighting a nasty cold, y’all, and desperately hoping I kick it before the big day, so I’ve been slipping a bit on talking about the rapidly-approaching Day for Night festival, which happens just over a week from now, Dec. 15-17, at Post HTX.

We’ll definitely be posting more stuff about the festival in the next several days, but right now we’ve got two extremely cool pieces of news. First up, if you have yet to snag your DFN tickets, well, we here at SCR are happy be able to offer you a 20% discount on General Admission passes (sorry, VIP people, but you’re on your own). That drops the standard 2-day price from $215 to $172, which ain’t bad.

The promo code is over there on the right, but for the graphically-challenged, it’s N0F4AAZX. Enter that when you go to buy your passes, and you’re golden.

The second cool bit of news is that set times are now available over on the DFN site, under Schedule. So yes, now festival-goers can get over there and actually start trying to figure out how to fit it all in.

I’ve gotta say, my heart kinda sank when I saw that St. Vincent and Justice are playing at the same damn time on Sunday, December 17th. Gonna have to only catch part of both of those sets, I guess. sigh.

Alright, y’all, that’s it for the moment — more soon, we swear…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, December 7th, 2017. Filed under Posts.

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