FPSF No More: In Bloom Rises From the Ashes, and in the Freaking Springtime

Well…wow. I’ve been behind on Houston-related music news lately, it’s true, but out of all of it, this definitely takes the cake. We got word this morning that our city’s iconic nine-year-old music festival, alternately known as Free Press Summer Festival, FPSF, or Summerfest, is changing in a fairly big way…

Zine Fest Houston Ventures Into the Cyberfuture, This Afternoon (And a Long-Overdue Thank-You to Shane)

Hey, folks, just wanted everybody to be aware that today — Saturday, November 11th — is this year’s Zine Fest Houston, and it promises to be a very, very cool one. It’s nice to see that what started out as a humble gathering…

Before the Flood: Images From FPSF 2017

Now that the floodwaters have receded (mostly), and things have finally started to cool down (temporarily), we figured it was way past time to look backwards to happier days (again, mostly), namely to this past summer’s FPSF, back when we didn’t know who in the hell “Harvey” was, we weren’t all experts at ripping out drywall…

I Could Die and I Wouldn’t Mind: The Jesus and Mary Chain Arrive at White Oak Music Hall, Tonight

The Jesus and Mary Chain continue to rock like the kids they were when I discovered them as a high school freshman in 1985. The strength of JAMC is that they distill music into simple memorable riffs, and songs like “The Two of Us,” “Always Sad,” and “Get On Home”

Today: Foamhenge Arises at Karbach, with Blue Oyster Cult, The Sword, & More

Wow. It’s been a crazy-ass weekend, with a whole lot of good stuff going on, but this damn near takes the cake. See, today (Sunday, November 5th) up at the Karbach Brewing Co. is the first-ever Foamhenge, starting at around 1:30PM

Hear This Now: EL LAGO Releases Their Debut Full-Length Tonight, Plus a Video

It’s been a few years, I know, but it felt like high time to get back to the sporadic Hear This Now thing we were doing for a little while there, pointing/listening to cool H-town bands we’ve been listening to lately…

Last Chance to Get a Day for Night Discount & Help Planned Parenthood, Today (Plus Awesome Videoage)

You might recall that we posted a little while back that the good people behind Day for Night, Houston’s coolest music-and-other-stuff festival…

An Era Ends: The Print Version of the Houston Press Is Dead

This year, I swear to God. Some days it feels like everything in the whole freaking world has been upended, from the insanity in the White House to every remaining musical icon dying (rest in peace, Fats Domino) to the Houston Astros winning the World Series…

Iron & Wine, Beast Epic

I wasn’t sure how much I’d like Beast Epic, the new album by Iron & Wine, aka Sam Beam. I knew he’d softened a bit since the early days, gotten less gritty, less dark in general — and hey, I can’t fault him for that. You can only be dark and moody for so long…

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