Good Things Coming: Day for Night 2017 Lineup & Tickets, Just Released

It’s about goddamn time we got some good news, y’all. Half this city’s still ripping out its floors and walls and replacing every thing they own, schools and libraries are closed or relocated or damaged beyond repair, businesses are shut down until further notices, big, fun music festivals and conventions are rescheduling or just plain canceling, and every time it rains, we all cringe like a dog that’s been kicked…

Houston Open Air, Another Harvey Casualty

Well, damn. I’d wondered, honestly, if it might happen — after all, we’ve seen a lot of cancellations of shows of various sizes, but so far the raft of upcoming festivals seemed to be somewhat immune…

(UPDATE #4) Post-Harvey, H-town Gets Back to Its Feet: Heroes, Shows, Fundraisers, & Friends In Need

What a week. I haven’t been online much, I know, at least not on SCR — I’ve been stuck to Facebook and Twitter like the rest of Houston, trying to keep tabs on friends and coworkers and loved ones…

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