FPSF 2017 Rundown, Pt. 1: Mod Sun + Camera Cult + DREAMERS + Us. + Bad Suns + Hurray For The Riff Raff + Tove Lo + Lorde + Cage The Elephant + Solange

Alright, people — we’re doing this, dammit. If this feels like it’s getting off to a late start, well, it kind of is, partly because we here at SCR have been having to shift focus to and from all the other festivals going on around here lately, and that’s pushed this back a bit…

Look Back Into the Sun: One Writer’s Reminiscences from Eight Years of FPSFs Past

With FPSF 2017 less than a week away, it occurred to me that over the eight years this festival’s been alive and kicking, I’ve been fortunate enough to witness some really, truly awesome bands and musicians. So I thought it might be cool to trawl back through memories…

Ancient Cat Society, Ancient Cat Society

I’ve listened to and been a fan of the music Sergio Trevino and Haley Lynch (formerly Haley Barnes) have made in their own little realms for years now, he with roots-pop band Buxton and solo and she with delicate indie-pop outfit Dollie Barnes, rock band VODI, and solo, but until now…

Madness on Main 2017 Rundown, Pt. 3: Traci Lavois Thiebaud + Mantra Love + Hector Ward and the Big Time + Perseph One + Soul Creatures + Bayou City Funk + Sailor Poon + Dem

And here we are, yet again, for Round 3 of our previews of Madness on Main Music Fest, which will be this coming Sunday, May 28th, over at White Oak Music Hall and its surrounding environs (possibly also at Raven Tower, I’m guessing?)…

Madness on Main 2017 Rundown, Pt. 2: The Phantom Royals + Handsomebeast + Flyger Woods + Kiko Villamizar + Ruiners + texture: Yellow + MOTHS + Black Pistol Fire

Alright, people — we’re back again with Round 2 of SCR‘s traditional rundowns on as many people playing this weekend’s Madness on Main Music Festival up at White Oak Music Hall as we can manage (and keep our sanity, anyway)…

Madness on Main 2017, This Sunday (Rundown, Pt. 1): Lyric Michelle + Something Fierce + Lloronas + LIMB + Flower Graves

Oh, wow. The Season of Music Festivals rolls on and on, and now we’re rapidly approaching the two I’ve truly been looking forward to, albeit for very different reasons: Madness on Main Street and FPSF

Right Damn Now: Love Street Music Fest Is Happening, Over at Karbach Brewing Company

Yeah, I know this is stupidly late, but I didn’t want to let it slip completely by, because it’s a very cool thing going on at a very cool late. Today — as in Sunday, May 21st — is Love Street Music Fest

This Weekend: Rock Out in New Caney With Jason Derulo, Vanilla Ice, & The Tontons

Okay, so do you remember when I said there’s practically a music festival every other weekend for the next few months? Well, it’s actually closer to every weekend…

This Weekend: Middlelands Mashes Up Knights, Lasers, Wenches, & Bass Drops

As noted previously, we’ve got a crap-ton of festivals coming up in and around the Houston area — seriously, there’s like a festival almost every other weekend for the next couple of months…

Tonight: Catch The New Pornographers Up at White Oak Music Hall (Plus Video!)

Yes, I realize Chris Brown is playing somewhere in Houston this evening. And no, I emphatically do not give a single shit about that, and neither should you. Why? Well, because instead of giving your hard-earned dollars so you can watch a pathetic manbaby who likes to beat on women attempt to rap/sing over lukewarm R&B, you could be witnessing something awesome…

One Month Out: FPSF 2017 Is On Its Way, So You Better Get Damn Ready

It’s that time in H-town’s musical year when it feels like the festivals just keep popping up left and right and left again, y’know what I mean? Hell, we’ve already had a couple slide by, namely Houston Whatever Fest and The Munchies Picnik

Live: The Pixies/Public Access T.V.

Top-heavy grays find me through a patchwork of dew and concrete, waiting for the bus to school. I didn’t have the language for it at the time, but anxiousness, the feeling that the weight of the world was always coming down to me, was real. Like a lot of kids (maybe?) growing up around my age, I found a special comfort in The PixiesSurfer Rosa

Opeth, Sorceress

Opeth have divided their fans over the last few years by taking a musical approach that can barely be called metal, much less the brutal, technical death metal with which they made their name. Longtime fans seem to fall into one of two camps: some refuse to accept the new music because it’s “not Opeth”, while others think Michael Akerfeldt and company can do no wrong…

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