Tonight: Help Out Planned Parenthood at Friends With Benefits (and Check Out Some Awesome Music, Obviously)

So, there’s quite a bit going on today and tonight (Saturday, April 15th), and a whole slew of excellent, excellent shows I happen to think are worth seeing — The Maine & The Mowgli’s, Scott Biram, Foxygen

Tonight: Two From Back in the Day, with Blueprint & The Tie That Binds (Plus The Inverters & Narrow Head, Too!)

Holy shit, people. Yeah, yeah — I’m well aware that Morrissey is playing tonight, Friday, April 14th (Or is he? Who can say, really, especially after canceling Wednesday’s San Antonio gig?), this time down in Sugar Land…

Houston Whatever Fest, This Weekend

And now, from the Better Late Than Never Department (Hopefully)… I’ve been meaning to post for a good long while now about Houston Whatever Fest, which unrolls this Saturday and Sunday

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