Day for Night 2016 Rundown, Pt. 3: Time for Some Light (aka A Brief Look at the Visual Side of DFN)

I’m not an art guy. I tried to be, back when I was a kid, but it turned out I was pretty mediocre at it, so it fell by the wayside. And in terms of speaking about art, I’m largely clueless — I feel like I just don’t have the vocabulary for that, in a lot of ways…

Day for Night 2016 Rundown, Pt. 2: Wild Moccasins + Matmos + Daughters + Arca + Chelsea Wolfe + Liars + SOPHIE + S U R V I V E + DJ Windows 98 + Squarepusher

Hey, folks — back again with Part 2 of SCR‘s little rundown/preview things of as many randomly-selected musicians and bands performing this weekend —Saturday, December 17th & Sunday, December 18th — at Day for Night as we can cram in in the short time we’ve got left…

Day for Night Throws Some Badass Food into the Mix

Okay, so we’re hard at work on our whole set of previews/rundowns for Day for Night, which starts up tonight, Friday, December 16th, with its VIP-only kick-off party and runs through Saturday & Sunday, December 17th & 18th, but we couldn’t let this slip completely by…

Day for Night 2016 Rundown, Pt. 1: Lower Dens + Clams Casino + From Beyond + Jerk + MNYNMS + Vacation Eyes + Tobacco + RZA feat. Stone Mecca + Oneohtrix Point Never

Alright, people — Day for Night is very, very nearly upon us, with only a day or two until it explodes into new venue Post HTX (aka the former Barbara Jordan Post Office in downtown Houston). And I’ll admit to having some mixed feelings about it; on the one hand, I’m psyched…

Tonight: Celebrate the Houston Press Music Awards (Well, the Afterparty, Anyway)

As we mentioned a short while back, this year’s Houston Press Music Awards are upon us. While I’m sure there was some whining and griping, as always, especially about the new, more free-form, less rigid categories…

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