Tonight: Check Out Beach Slang’s Badass New Album at Arlo’s, Courtesy of WIRED UP (Plus a Review!)

14316948_850149335122718_8625769149816071506_nAlright, so it’s not a show, but it’s damn cool anyway. Tonight, Monday, September 19th, the good people of WIRED UP — modern conveniences (one of whom is Bucky Thuerwachter, who you might remember fondly from the Hands Up Houston days, among other things) will be hosting a pre-release/listening party for excellent, excellent Philly dudes Beach Slang.

Now, it’s a listening party, so Beach Slang themselves won’t be playing, sadly, but having listened to the band’s new album, A Loud Bash of Teenage Feelings, I can tell you that it’s well, well worth checking out, even still. We’ve got a happy little review of the album up, in fact, right over here. It pulls together everything I liked about The Replacements, Jawbreaker, Japandroids, The Talk, and a whole slew of other bands and makes it all sound new and alive again.

I tell you this partly because while the album doesn’t officially come out ’til September 23rd, you — yes, you! — can get your own damn copy tonight from Bucky and his crew. They’ve managed some sort of deal with Polyvinyl Records to be able to sell certain albums before their release date, and that’s a very cool thing.

Anyway, I believe this thing’s free, and it’ll be unfolding up at Arlo’s Ballroom, the new venue owned by Sara Van Buskirk and her husband, which is cool in and of itself. Support cool music, support cool local businesses, support cool new venues, and fill your skull with your new favorite band, all in one fell swoop. Do it, alright?

Oh, and before you go, check out this fun video for “Atom Bomb,” off the new album:

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, September 19th, 2016. Filed under Posts.

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