Big, Sparkly, & Loud: Birthday Club Makes Everything Alright in the End

Once, there was a band called Featherface. They were awesome, an intense, thoughtful blast of fuzzy psych-pop goodness. They toured, played SXSW, moved up to Austin, made some trippy, strange videos, got some cool press, and then…poof, they were gone. Before what turned out to be their last-ever show…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Houston Open Air + Jealous Creatures + Alabama Shakes + Finnegan + Getter + Oktoberfest Houston + More

Okey-dokey — back on this horse, sort of, and since I’ve already been running later than I’d like to be, I’m now at least trying to get ahead. It is one hell of a busy weekend, music-wise, and some of it we’ve already talked about, but there’s plenty more we’d recommend…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Frog Hair + The Tontons + Young Mammals + Islander + Satin Hooks + Penny & Sparrow + My Twilight Pilot + More

So. I stopped doing these little weekend-preview things a while back, because honestly, it was eating my life and giving me a nervous breakdown; I kept running out of time to do ’em, which meant I had to scramble, and that stressed me out, and y’know, other stuff needed to get done, right? Lately, though, I’ve been missing it…

Steamboat Amps (and Now, Guitars) Throws Open Its Doors, This Saturday

There’s a hell of a lot of good stuff going on this weekend — and yeah, we’ll hopefully get to that soon — but this one stands out for me. It’s partly because the Steamboat Ampworks guys are good people and partly because, well, if money was no object, I’d already freaking own one…

The Future Is Coming: Get Yourself Ready for Day for Night

Oh, man. I got a bit wrapped up in the countdown to Yes, Indeed! 2016 last week, so I let this one slip a bit, and that means that unless you’ve been sailing a raft across the ocean for seven or eight days now — or, alternately, hate music and/or joy, in which case I don’t have a clue how you’re reading this — you know that the organizers of Day for Night, FPSF‘s quasi-sister festival in the winter months, released the official lineup…

Frog Hair’s “My Best Foot Forward” Wants to Steal Fire from the Gods

From the moment the video for Frog Hair’s “My Best Foot Forward” begins, it is clear both in its immediate inspirations and the longer, deeper history it is part of. A lonely-looking mad scientist puppet weaves his perfect companion together, or attempts to, unaware that he is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams…

Tonight: Check Out Beach Slang’s Badass New Album at Arlo’s, Courtesy of WIRED UP (Plus a Review!)

Alright, so it’s not a show, but it’s damn cool anyway. Tonight, Monday, September 19th, the good people of WIRED UP — modern conveniences (one of whom is Bucky Thuerwachter, who you might remember fondly from the Hands Up Houston days, among other things) will be hosting a pre-release/listening party for excellent, excellent Philly dudes Beach Slang

Beach Slang, A Loud Bash of Teenage Feelings

I’ll confess to being pretty disappointed in recent years with punk rock in general. Maybe I’m showing my age, but seriously, most of what I’ve heard lately has left me pretty cold, to the point where I’ve wondered if it’s really worth listening to as much anymore. Then, as happens at times like these, the Universe steps in to tell me I’m wrong, and I’m being a moron…in this case, “the Universe” being Pennsylvania rock dudes Beach Slang…

Yes, Indeed! 2016 Rundown, Pt. 3: Night Drive + CHEW + Fea + Young Girls + The Wheel Workers + Islands & Tigers + Arthur Yoria + Birthday Club + Muddy Belle

Back again, as promised, for Round Three (aka The Final Round) of SCR‘s happy little preview/writeup things for Yes, Indeed! Music Fest 2016, which will be unfurling tomorrow, September 17th, over on the eastern fringe of downtown. 25 damn cool bands/musicians, from here and elsewhere, will be doing their thing at four stages…

Yes, Indeed! 2016 Rundown, Pt. 2: Jody Seabody & The Whirls + Only Beast + DASHR + Bernie Pink + La Sien + PuraPharm + Mockingbird Brother + Jealous Creatures

Alright, and here we are again, with Round Two of our little writeups for this Saturday‘s (September 17th, for the calendar-less) Yes, Indeed! Music Festival, slated to explode into the area east of Downtown, right around Warehouse Live, wedged in between the George R. Brown Convention Center and the BBVA Compass Stadium

Yes, Indeed! 2016 Rundown, Pt. 1: JVS Reel + Nicole Starch & Torpedoed Heart + Whit + A Tribute to the Sun + Ringo Deathstarr + All People + dUNETX + Jon Black

Yes, friends, neighbors, Houstonianites, it’s just about time again for the “other” half of the bi-annual music festival extravaganza that’s known either as the Yes, Indeed! Music Festival or Madness on Main Street, both put on by super-organized people Jason Smith and Phil “Bassman Pep” Peterson

Tonight: Discussing H-Town Music with H-Town Music Icons, at Discovery Green

Well, the weather is looking like crap where I am, but hopefully not over at Discovery Green, because tonight (Tuesday, September 13th) the Green will be hosting a very cool-sounding event, one that I think would be pretty fascinating to see and hear. (At the latest check, this is on, rain or no rain, but I’d bring an umbrella, myself…)

Tonight: Keeton Coffman Releases His New Album, Out at Dosey Doe (Plus Other Cool Shows, Too)

I know I’ve been missing a ton of great shows lately, but dammit, I can’t let this one slip by without a mention. Keeton Coffman, who the longer-memory-having folks among you might remember as the frontman of gone-too-soon band The 71’s, is my absolute favorite guy singer/songwriter in town these days…

Pop Hero Arthur Yoria’s Back, and He’s Rescuing Stray Dogs Along the Way

So, it looks like Arthur Yoria has come back home to Houston, and oh, man, am I glad to see it. The last I’d heard from Arthur, back in 2010, he was moving up to Brooklyn to try out his sweet-voiced, sometimes stoner-like pop songwriting chops on the hipsters that dwell there…

Tonight: Lucero & Robert Ellis Roar Through Stafford (No, Seriously)

I don’t get out much these days; it’s a sad, sad truth of my near-suburban Soccer-/Theater-/Cub Scout-Dad existence. When I see a show coming up, even one that sounds truly, truly awesome, my immediate, instinctual response is, “ah, fuck, I’m too damn tired, it’s gonna be too far away, too late a night; I should just stay home and watch TV or read.” So, in a lot of cases, that’s exactly what I do…

Technology Sucks. (Well, Sometimes, Anyway.)

Hey, folks — I just wanted to poke my head up briefly to mention a couple of SCR-related things that have been going on behind-the-scenes, to let everybody know in case they themselves have run into ’em. First off, the website was hacked over the weekend, which meant that yours truly got to spend his birthday evening frantically installing WordPress security plugins and trawling through files to look for bogus code. Argh…


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