Video Catch-Up Time: Giant Kitty + Oceans of Slumber + Second Lovers + Keeton Coffman

Over the past year, I’ve missed and/or dropped the ball on a whole bunch of stuff, I seriously have. I’ve got a to-do list like you wouldn’t believe. And one of the things I want to punch myself in the face for most is all the awesome, excellent, strange, quirky videos from Houston bands and musicians I’ve let slip past these past 12 months (or more, honestly)…

Giant Kitty, This Stupid Stuff

Simple works. It just does, just about every damn time. And with This Stupid Stuff, four-piece punk rock crew Giant Kitty prove that over and over and over again. Even for a punk band these days, they’re refreshingly old-school, dancing across the grey area…

Tonight: Destroy Yr Sweater (With Some Emo Tributes)

Okay, y’all. So anybody who’s read this here site for more than a few days knows that I (meaning Jeremy) loves me some emo. The second-wave, post-hardcore emo surge hit just as I was nearing the end of college, playing in a band…

One Night, Two Album Releases: Deep Cuts & NEXT WAVE (& A Few Other Things, Too)

I’ve been sorely neglecting things on the upcoming-show front lately, so updating the list these past couple of weeks has made me nearly freaking giddy with excitement about some of the shows we’ve got coming down the pipe. I don’t have time go into details about ’em now (sorry), but I do want to point to two that are coming up real fast, as in, um, tonight, Friday, January 15th. See, apparently the Hoary Gods of Houston Musicks decided that not only should there be one…

Deep Cuts, Gulf Coast Companion Vol. 1

Bad news first: no, this isn’t a brand-new full-length from quirky, beach-loving popsters Deep Cuts. That release is coming, yes, but this isn’t it, not yet. Instead, Gulf Coast Companion Vol. 1 is an everything-up-to-now compilation of all the music the supremely talented quintet has thrown out there, all cleaned up and shiny and bubbly and sunshiny. Oh, and it’s a cassette, that least-beloved of formats for seemingly everybody but me. I’ve gotten grief from multiple people about my love for cassettes…

Bowie Elvis Fest: Celebrate The King & The Thin White Duke, Tonight at The Continental & Big Top

Yeah, yeah — technically speaking, Elvis Presley and David Bowie were born on January 8th, not January 9th, but what the hell, right? I seriously doubt either man would disapprove of all the good people who’ll be celebrating their joint birthday tonight, the 9th, up at The Continental Club and The Big Top

H-Town Venue News: Satellite Bar Is A Go, The Raven Tower Opens Soon, & Fitzgerald’s As Neighborhood Bar

First off: yeah, I know it’s been a while. This whole past year feels like a giant wave that washed over yours truly and never let up, and because of that, SCR has taken a definite back seat to a whole lot of other things. The plan, though, is to turn that around and get shit moving once again. Part of the reason why I’m dying to get things back to an even keel, I should note, is because there’s so much damn cool stuff going on right now in Houston’s scene…

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