Tonight: Glass the Sky & Guess Genes at The Nightingale Room

12080124_416683781867664_8217013553462195618_oShort notice, I know — I’d blame it on being sick for the past 48 hours, but let’s be honest, I’d probably be late even if I was well…sigh — but there’s a truly great show happening tonight (Thurs., October 8th) up at new-ish venue The Nightingale Room.

The top-of-the-bill band is the big win for me, personally; {Glass the Sky} are good in recorded form but are absolutely phenomenal live, seriously. I saw them a couple of Yes, Indeed!/Madness on Main-s ago, playing on a smoke-filled stage up at The Alley Kat, and despite the noise and all-around chaos going on around them, they were this serene, utterly calm presence up on the stage, just slowly unfolding their songs one after another. Oh, and they were doing these incredible three- (four-?)part harmonies; it was a stellar performance on a night of great performances, and I didn’t see a band that night that was able to top them.

The band’s been hard at work on their forthcoming full-length, recording as recently as last month with {The Wheel Workers}Stephen Higginbotham, and while I’ve only heard one song so far, “Touch” (which the band also released a video for about this time last year), I’m very, very much looking forward to listening to the whole thing.

I’m bummed it’s been delayed, but this is a band that doesn’t like doing things halfway, so it makes sense to keep working ’til it’s perfect. In the meantime, check out “Touch,” below:

Leading up to GtS tonight, too, are the quirky-cool duo {Guess Genes}, which is basically Sergio Trevino of {Buxton} singing and strumming gently over beds of keys and whatnot crafted by Chase Demaster of {Children of Pop}. It’s hazy and sleepy and warm and lush, with a stately pace and distance that makes me think of a countrified Trembling Blue Stars, and yeah, I’m liking it. Never seen ’em live, unfortunately, but I’ve got pretty high hopes.

Here’s “Lilly Vines,” released last year:

That’s all I’ve got — get up to the Nightingale, tonight…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, October 8th, 2015. Filed under Posts.

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