Everybody Dies: Knights of the Fire Kingdom Reveal Their New Video & Their At-Long-Last Album Release

11407077_10207100367456156_4418719272018877297_nYeah, yeah — I know The World’s About to End (again), what with a maybe-hurricane maybe-bearing down on Houston, but that doesn’t mean all movement has to cease, right?

That’s especially true today, because H-town rawk dudes Knights of the Fire Kingdom cut loose with some big, big news. Not only have they finally announced the release of their long-awaited full-length (which I swear to God I’ve been listening to for in some form or another for close to two years now), but they’re celebrating with an official release show on Friday, July 3rd, up at Fitzgerald’s.

The show will be the Knights, obviously, who are one hell of a fiery, balls-to-the-wall band live, but also fellow badass rockers {We Were Wolves}, throwback indie-pop/rock guys {Brand New Hearts}, and soul-rockers Satellite D’Homme, all of whom I love to ridiculous levels. As an added bit of coolness, KOFK have partnered with printers Caught In Customs for this show, and they’ll be giving away some sweet t-shirts; not sure how they’ll be doing that, but don’t miss the chance to grab one for yourself, alright?

In the meantime, though, there’s the other part of the aforementioned big, big news, which is the band’s first video, for “Church of the Retarded”. And oh, yes is it a lot of fun. Filmmaker Scott Barber captures what really happens behind-the-scenes at band practice, with the inevitable personality clashes and murderous urges; as somebody who’s been there, yeah, it’s pretty much like that.

Granted, the band members take things a little further than most, but hey, I can’t judge — I very nearly killed our drummer a good dozen times. I don’t want to spoil too much of the plot of the video, but I’ve got to say that my favorite parts are Chris Wertz screaming at Jeoaf Johnson, “WHAT?!? I’m makin’ noodles!”, and guitarist Aaron Echegaray‘s, um, post-mortem guitar solo. (And, um, Dave Noske now freaking terrifies me.) It’s low-budget without looking low-budget, if you know what I mean; it’s more of a stylistic choice, like in Red Fang’s similarly-homicidal “Prehistoric Dog” video.

Oh, and the song fucking rocks, so there’s that. Here we go:

Knights of the Fire Kingdom – Church of the Retarded from Jeoaf Johnson on Vimeo.

Ah, the joys of being in a band…

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, June 15th, 2015. Filed under Posts.

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