Holy Crap, People: Walter’s Gets Funded, and Y’all Are Amazing (Now Go Celebrate!)

10407224_880605908666560_2907670769426071406_nYeah, I’m way, way slow to pull the trigger on this one, but apparently the rest of y’all out there weren’t. A couple of days ago, Zack Palmer, son of the late Pam Robinson, the much-loved owner of Walter’s who passed away late last year after a fight with cancer, kicked off an IndieGogo project to help the downtown venue pay its debts and remain open. Zack’s been able to get the money necessary to keep Walter’s doors open down to about $20,000, a still not-inconsiderable sum, so he put out the call to help the club stay alive.

And music lovers and other goodhearted people in Houston and elsewhere apparently listened. Holy shit, y’all. With three days left in the project, it’s now funded at 106%, with more than 300 people stepping up to do their part.

I’m left amazed and heartened, honestly. Frankly, my cynical self assumed that there was no way in hell Walter’s would make its goal; even still, though, hey, ever little bit would help, right? But you guys, YOU GUYS (and gals). You folks are awesome. I’d intended to use this blog post to add my voice to the pleas already made by tons and tons of other folks to save the club, but hell, y’all already got it done. You can’t see it right now, but I’m smiling like an idiot.

So my hat’s off to you, you 319 lovers of music and all things awesome. On top of the perks promised by Zack, hell, I owe each of y’all a beer.

Now, if you still want to contribute, well…honestly, I have no clue what would happen. I guess it just adds to the total, but I’m not sure. And I’m damn sure it’d be very appreciated. Beyond that, though, Zack and the rest of the Walter’s crew are throwing a free show (well, for the of-age crowd, at least) this coming Thursday, April 30th, to celebrate those good people stepping up to help out.

They’ve got great, great indie-rock guys {Young Mammals}, resurrected fuzz-pop gang {The Factory Party}, and relative newcomers {Giant Kitty} (who I have yet to hear, sorry!); get on out there and celebrate, and if you know somebody who’s donated to keep the club alive and kicking, high-five ’em for me, alright?

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, April 27th, 2015. Filed under Posts.

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