Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Tontons + The Suffers + Lee Fields + The Sour Notes + Glass The Sky + Deep Cuts + End Of The World Fest + Molotov + Noisefest + More

Hey, all — it’s Friday, December 19th, and yes, we’re heading on into another busy, busy weekend as the holidays ramp up. There’s a decent-sized pile of excellent stuff going on; unfortunately, I don’t have time to talk about ’em all, so I’ll have to pick a small handful. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Knights of the Fire Kingdom + Grizzly + Brand New Hearts + Young Mammals + Young Girls + Mustard Plug + Dan Potthast + Ian Moore + More

Getting a late start on this, unfortunately; it’s Saturday, December 13th, and it’s been a Christmas-y kind of day with the fam, so I’ve been offline for most of it… Which sucks, because there is a shit-ton of good stuff happening tonight. It’s not too late, though, so here’s a quick rundown of what I think looks/sounds cool…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Red Fang + In Flames + Opeth + The Brunson Theater + Fake Believe + Two Star Symphony + Before There Was Rosalyn + these days + More

Hey, y’all — it’s the weekend once again, with today being Friday, December 12th and all, and while the list of shows tonight isn’t massive (look at tomorrow’s list for that), it’s still pretty damn impressive. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Funeral Horse + Linus Pauling Quartet + The Ex-Optimists + Jealous Creatures + Asli Omar + East End Trillwave + Ma & God + More

Alright, folks — late again, I’m afraid, due to spending the day doing yet more Christmas-y-type stuff like getting & decorating a Christmas tree, but I didn’t want to let tonight (Saturday, December 6th) slip completely by… Like with yesterday, it’s a pretty massive damn list, but here’s a few brief highlights…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Death Threat + Will to Live + Creepers + Children of Pop + Jamestown Revival + Nikki Lane + Sebastian Bach + Theremin Fest + D.R.I. + More

Well, damn. There is a massive pile of good-sounding things happening tonight, so many that I’m only going to be able to scratch the surface, I’m afraid. And I’m late getting started, besides, after helping my dear wife set up for the ornament-exchange party from which I’ve been exiled… Here’s a quick blast of what I think sound like the coolest shows of the pile…

Tonight: Blackalicious + Knights of the Fire Kingdom + We Were Wolves + Theremin Festival + Shellee Coley + Mid Main First Thursday + More

Dang. Alright, I know I’ve been MIA of late; there’s a lot of reasons behind that absence, but I won’t go into ’em right now. Instead, I’d rather just say that I’m attempting to catch up right now and hope to do better, and then point at some truly, truly cool stuff that’s happening tonight, Thursday, December 4th. I couldn’t let this stuff slip past, y’all. Here we go…

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