Temples Blaze Brightly, Tonight at the HOB

10494614_10152642310207495_4992409480424538450_nFellow Space City Rock writer and photographer Jason Smith wanted me to let you know that his favorite new band of 2014 will be playing the Bronze Peacock Room at the House of Blues tonight. They’re a British band called Temples and they play psychedelic rock in the vein of the late 1960s, mixed with a bit of 1990s Britpop.

With influences like The Byrds, The Zombies, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, early Radiohead, and Supergrass, it’s no wonder Jason loves ’em. Their 2014 album, Sun Structures, will be topping critics’ best-of-the-year lists. Check out the full review of the album on over here. This may be your one and only time to catch them in a venue as small as this, so head over to the House of Blues tonight, alright?

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 7th, 2014. Filed under Posts.

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