Craig Kinsey, American Roots and Machines

There’s a darkness to America, to our history. It’s a stark, surprising contrast to a lot of our country’s accepted story, because we’ve managed to brand ourselves as this great, shining city on a hill, something other countries should aspire to emulate, to be…

Craig Kinsey: Digging Down to the Roots of It All

The last time I chatted with Craig Kinsey — “The Reverend,” as many people know him — he was working on a novel. He’s a man I consider with great respect to be the Godfather of the Houston Americana Music Scene, and back in 2012 he was living in a sweet little 1920s Montrose-area apartment. Since then he’s moved on to a gorgeous 1950s mid-century modern apartment…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Jeff Fest + Silver Snakes + Omotai + Clouseaux + The Coathangers + Peter Matthew Bauer + Guess Genes + Sphynx + More

It’s Friday night, people, and as always (well, almost always), there’s plenty of awesome stuff going on in our not-quite-fair city. Here’s what sounds cool to me…


I used to obsess about lyrics. I methodically scrawled them across every surface I could find, particularly high school book covers; I was sure those words were this magical key that could help me unlock the frustrating, perplexing mysteries of the world. Obviously, that didn’t happen, but even now I can recite the lyrics to any pre-Black Album Metallica…

Live: Buxton’s 10-Year Anniversary Show

Ten years is a long time to be in a band. It’s like dog years. I’ve never been in a band for ten years — the band I’m in now has had the name for that long, but only one of the guys has been in the band the whole time… So like I said, ten years is a long time, and that’s something to celebrate…


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NRG Park

1 Reliant Park Houston, TX. 77054 Loop 610 South between Kirby St. & Fannin St.

White Space Houston

2914 White Oak Dr. Houston, TX. 77007

The Summit

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Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Quiet Company (Does Weezer) + J. Roddy Walston + The New Mercies + Save Nance House + Handguns + More

Running late, as always, but yep, it’s Saturday, July 19th, and just like yesterday, there’s a ton of stuff happening tonight. I’m at home nursing a sore back after foolishly spending all day digging up the front yard, but here’s where you should be…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Second Lovers + Invincible Czars + The Wheel Workers + Ishi + Star Trek + Catch Fever + Hub City Stompers + More

Yes, folks — it’s Friday, July 18th, so once again into the mouth of madness (er, sort of) we go. There’s a lot going on and not much time to talk about it, so here we go…

Tonight: Rock Out for Literacy with Charity Gigs (and Only Beast, A Sundae Drive, Fire Moth, and Brand New Hearts, Too)

For it being a measly Thursday (July 17th, specifically), there is a whole hell of a lot of cool stuff going on — The Crystal Method are at Stereo Live tonight, for one, The Neighbourhood is at Bayou Music Center with White Arrows, and {The Wiggins} and {Deep Cuts} are playing at Walter’s

The HPMAs Are Here! (Kind Of!) Vote Now! Controversy!

Alright, so I’m way behind, naturally, on this, but I wanted to point out to the woefully-clueless who don’t already know that the justly-ballyhooed Houston Press Music Awards are once more upon us…

Lisa’s Sons, Bummed Out

Well, now. Six years after their debut, Digital Nozzle, and long after I’d figured the duo (Stefan Mach and Jordan Brady) had gone their separate ways (and yeah, it sounds like they had, at least in the physical sense), Lisa’s Sons are finally back with the followup…

Helping Out: April 5K Needs to Breathe, and She Needs Us to Help Make It Happen

Argh. Okay, I’m a screwup and didn’t realize this was as time-sensitive as it is…sigh. If you’ve been around the Houston scene at all, odds are that you know, have heard, or have played in a band with April 5K

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Eastern Sea + Wild Moccasins + the last place you look + Change For Kayla + Jealous Creatures + Ian Moore + More

Whoa. There are a whole slew of damn, damn, damn good shows happening tonight, Sat., July 12th, so many that I’m only going to be able to touch on a handful of ’em right now. Here goes…

Check Out Lotus Effect’s New Video & New Song, Then See ‘Em Live Tonight

Okay, so I owe a big, big apology on this one, bigger than my usual apologies for my usual slacker-ness. Way, way, way back in December of last year, I ran into Dre Giles, vocalist for alt-prog-rock dudes {The Lotus Effect} (and a good friend both of SCR and myself), at the now-annual {the last place you look} Christmas show up at Warehouse Live

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Hearts of Animals + LIMB + Young Mammals + Jeremy Messersmith + Second Lovers + I See Stars + Structures + Black Flag + More

Alright, people — let’s do this, dammit. Tonight (Friday, July 11th, for those somehow not keeping track) kicks off one hell of a weekend of shows, and I’m gonna do my damnedest to not drop the ball this week. sigh. Here we go…

Holy Freaking Whatever Fest, Y’all (Coming August 9th & 10th)

Yeah, yeah; I know, I still need to get my damn writeup online about this year’s awesome FPSF (soon, I swear by all that is good and holy…), but while you’re waiting for that — as I’m sure you all are, with bated breath and everything — there’s been some badass-sounding news this week about another music festival, which will be having its inaugural run August 9th and 10th

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Steve Earle + Square and Compass + Holder + Young Mammals + Cocker Spaniels + Venomous Maximus + More

Starting a bit early this weekend, partly because it’s a holiday tomorrow and partly because there’s actually a ton of stuff happening tonight, Thursday, July 3rd. Seriously, the list is pretty ridiculous for tonight; I’ll hit as much as I can, eh? Oh, but before I do that, I just want to aim a raised-in-approval thumb over at the {Free Press Houston}, where writer David Garrick has been doing a stellar…

Don’t Give Up.

Heard some sad, sad news via the Houston music grapevine (i.e., Facebook) today, and now I feel compelled to at least try to say something, in my own fumbling way. Bear with me, if you could… Back in May, at the supremely fun Madness on Main Street music festival, I was sitting and watching {Sand Dollar Swing} play their set at the patio of The Pachinko Hut. The duo segued into a gentle, bluesy waltz and encouraged people to dance, so a handful of folks did; most danced with other people, but one brave soul…

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