Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Nick Greer and the G’s + Giant Battle Monster + Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires + Swans + Will Play For Food + More

Damn, it’s late, but damn, there’s still a crap-ton of good-sounding stuff going on this Saturday, June 28th, if you’re not already out and about; I’m gonna try to keep it brief. Here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Phlegmatics + Valens + Darwin’s Finches + Hear You Me + Dustin Prinz + Yetlanezi + Dokken + More

Alright, y’all — here we are again, attempting to do our happy-little Yr. Weekend writeups; hopefully this weekend my laptop won’t decide to die on me (glad it was recoverable, at least). Anyway, there’s plenty of great stuff going on, starting tonight, Friday, June 27th. Away we go…

Lauryn Hill Stole the Show at FPSF 2014

Outside the gates of FPSF 2014 were members of the Communist Party of America passing out one-sheet pamphlets and issuing their warnings. Outside the gates were Wu-Tang Fans, too poor or too smart to enter…

Edge of Tomorrow

Somewhere in the not-too-distant now, aliens will/are/have invaded the world via a meteor landing in continental Europe. Aliens with the ability to replay periods of time (roughly 24-48 hours) over and over again, making them largely invincible. Or at least they were, until press officer William Cage (Tom Cruise) finds himself an unlikely front-line soldier…

Technical Difficulties, (Hopefully) Now Resolved…

Hey, folks — thanks to the keen attention of two SCR readers/commenters, we learned of a fairly massive technical issue with the Website, one that’s been going on, apparently, since April. Argh.

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Los Skarnales (20th Anniversary!) + H-Town Beat Down + Resistance is Fertile + Springboard South + DevilDriver + More

Late, late, late, I know, but hey, better that than never, right? Sorry for the quiet recently; I feel almost like I’ve had to decompress and refocus somewhat after FPSF, so I’ve been staying away from things musical…

Funeral Horse, Sinister Rites of the Master

Funeral Horse frontman/guitarist Paul Bearer, aka Paul Chavez, aka Walter Carlos, is something of an enigma to me. I’ve met the guy a few times over the years, live and electronically, and each time he’s been doing something seemingly completely different, sometimes using a different name, and every damn one of those things has been pretty great. First there was the sadly-overlooked art-punk/New Wave trio Art Institute; then came along sleazy, gritty gutterpunks…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Houston Beer Fest + The Energy + Young Mammals + Etcetera + Keeton Coffman + Saint Arnold 20th Anniversary + More

On into Saturday now, June 7th, and there’s a pretty damn large pile of stuff going on, large enough that yours truly can’t cover all of it. I’ll hit as many as I can, though; here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Tontons Makeup Show + The Suspects + Ume + The Courtneys + Houston Hardcore Cover Show + Winger + More

Man. I honestly feel like I’ve spent most of this week recuperating from FPSF 2014 — when I wasn’t at the Day Job or doing jury duty, at least — just trying to regain my sanity and reconnect with the world beyond mud, music, and masses of sweaty, stoned/drunk people…

Live: Catch Fever/American Fangs/Featherface/BLSHS

Houston, yes, we’re rocking these days! There must have been four concerts I wanted to attend on this particular night, but I chose the Catch Fever Shiny Eyes CD release party…

FPSF 2014 Preview: Another Run (Chats with SCR About Their Mutual Love for OURS; Oh, and Another Run, Too)

I’ve been a fanatic fan of a singer named Jimmy Gnecco for 15 years now. Gnecco is the singer of the band OURS that made its debut back in 1999 with Distorted Lullabies and has done four albums plus a Jimmy Gnecco solo album…

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