FPSF 2014 Rundown, Pt. 4: Lord Huron + Destruction Unit + CHVRCHES + Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros + tUnE-yArDs + Jack White + More

Okay, y’all — after a week of randomly-selected previews (see here, here, and here, plus interviews with {Venomous Maximus} and {New York City Queens} here and here (and there’s a more to come on that front), we’re nearly there…

FPSF 2014 Preview: The Tontons

In the six years or so I have been following The Tontons, I’ve seen them play at least two dozen times, but I’ve never actually sat down to interview any of their band members…

FPSF 2014 Preview: New York City Queens

In our preparation for Space City Rock‘s coverage of FPSF 2014, I realized that New York City Queens were holed up in the studio tracking their third LP, tentatively titled Glass House, set for release this fall. What a great chance for me to make an excuse to sneak in to hear some tracks in progress…

FPSF 2014 Rundown, Pt. 3: The Chain Gang of 1974 + The Kills + Wild Moccasins + J. Roddy Walston & The Business + Wu-Tang Clan + More

Yes, yes, yes. We’re on Part 3 of our rundown series (here’s Part 2 and Part 1) for this year’s Free Press Summer Festival

FPSF 2014 Rundown, Pt. 2: Wildcat! Wildcat! + Los Skarnales + Cage the Elephant + Welcome to Houston + Classixx + Vampire Weekend + More

Howdy, all — back again with Part 2 of this year’s previews/rundowns/whatevers for Free Press Summer Festival, which will be exploding this coming weekend, Sat., May 31st, and Sun., June 1st, in the sweaty, muddy, noise-filled bowl formerly known as Eleanor Tinsley Park (i.e., just west of the big pointy parts of Downtown)…

FPSF 2014 Preview: Venomous Maximus

It’s 5:00PM on a Sunday, and I may have woken Gregg Higgins from Venomous Maximus. He won’t say. “Sometimes I don’t even know what day it is, either,” he adds, almost seeming to brag…

Live: Manchester Orchestra/Balance and Composure/Kevin Devine and the Goddamn Band

Yes! It was a Monday night at a packed House of Blues with one of my favorite bands of the last five years, Manchester Orchestra. It was a great start to an incredible fortnight of music that would include HAIM and Mogwai later in the week and a long list of bands…

FPSF 2014 Rundown, Pt. 1: The Orwells + Lizzo + Washed Out + White Sea + Ishi + Poolside + Eagle Claw + More

Yes, friends, it’s time. Well, almost time. This year’s Free Press Summer Festival is approaching fast, a mere handful of days away, and yeah, passes are running out — don’t be stuck like last year, when the whole damn thing sold out, right? I haven’t seen word yet that there are no more passes available, but odds are pretty good it’ll happen, seriously…

This Afternoon: The Caroline Sessions Rise Again (v.5.3!), for Music Therapy Center of Houston

Yes, the Caroline Collective may be dead and gone — long may she wave — but The Caroline Sessions ride again today, Sunday, May 25th. Earlier this year, organizer Tom Paynter resurrected the eponymous music series that used to be hosted at the co-working space, and that’s a very cool thing…

Yr. (Laaate) Weekend, Pt. 3: Bad Veins + Ian Moore + Kenyon White + Paul Pelc + More

Gah. Sorry, folks, for being so dang late tonight — I was out at Johnette Napolitano Thursday, then The Winery Dogs (in Clear Lake) last night, then spent the bulk of today roaming the halls at Comicpalooza, so tonight’s writeup kinda fell by the wayside…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Winery Dogs + Red Fang + American Sharks + Little Hurricane + Oil Boom + Journey + Steve Miller Band + More

Yep, here we are — it’s now Friday, May 23rd, and while tonight’s not as busy-full with cool shows to see/hear as a lot of Fridays, there’s still a respectable pile of excellent things going on. Here goes…

A Few Thoughts on Concrete Blonde, iPads, and Entertainment vs. Artistry

Earlier tonight, I was up at Warehouse Live, watching and listening to Johnette Napolitano, quasi-iconic singer/guitarist for Concrete Blonde. And yeah, she sounded great…

Yr. (Early) Weekend, Pt. 1: Johnette Napolitano + Quiet Company + Finnegan + Robert Ellis + From Beyond + Eagulls + More

Well, holy crap. I just happened to glance at ye olde calendar for tonight, Thursday, May 22nd, and realized that there’s a ton of things going on, way more than I’d thought there would be. I’m running short on time, but trust me, there’s pretty much something for everybody happening this evening…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: B.E. Godfrey + EELS + Dos + Houston Ink Society Grand Opening + Adam & the Ancient Gods + Katy Cajun Invasion + More

On into Saturday now, May 17th, and there’s still a ton of stuff going on, so much I can barely get a hold of all of it; going to have to pick and choose a bit for tonight. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Jimmy Eat World + Fire Moth (Rev’d!) + Keeton Coffman + PAWS + Slim Thug + More

Hey, all — kind of scrambling to get some things done this week, so this weekend’s rundown of shows is likely to be a little on the light side (yeah, like it hasn’t lately anyway? sigh). There’s still a ton of stuff going on, though; here’s a very late list of what looks cool for tonight, Friday, May 16th

Fire Moth, Oil Paintings & Gold Chains

I’ve always been a little disheartened by the state of the blues here in sweaty, grimy Houston, Texas, the town I call home. Unless you’re a serious student of the genre (or, you know, actually live here, and maybe not even then), odds are pretty good you’ve got no idea…

Dinner with Dos, Tonight

Dangit, this one crept up on me, so I’m posting about it a wee bit late, I’m afraid… There’s a very cool-sounding event going on tonight (Friday, May 16th) called Dinner with Dos, which is essentially what it says: dinner, chatting, and hanging-out with all-bass duo Dos, possibly better known (to some, anyway) separately as California punk/post-punk legends Mike Watt (The Minutement, fIREHOSE, J Mascis and the Fog, The Stooges) and Kira Roessler (Black Flag)…

Band of Skulls, Himalayan

After Band of Skulls last release, 2012’s Sweet Sour, which I liked a fair bit but didn’t quite love, I’ve been looking forward to seeing where the band would be headed next. I’d kind of assumed they’d stick with the heavy stuff for Himalayan, their brand-new followup, with plenty more of that sludgy guitar and those sneering vocals; and don’t get me wrong…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Toadies + Supersuckers + Art Car Ball + Institute + Back To Back + Loretta Lynn + Nathan Quick + More

Yeah, so I’ve been a wee bit preoccupied this week, but dammit, shows are still happening, even tonight — Friday, May 9th, to be exact — so I’m going to try to point to the good ones, at the very least. Here we go…

Madness on Main Street Rundown, Pt. 3: Electric Attitude + Cosmic Bug Loaf + Glass the Sky + Antiques + The Docs + Sphynx + Satellite D’Homme + The Wandering Bufaleros

Alright, folks — back again with installment #3 of the previews (see installments #1 and #2 over here and here) for the rapidly-approaching Madness on Main Street Music Fest, coming up this Saturday, May 9th over on the Mid-Main strip. Get your advance tickets now, BTW; I’m told they’re running out fast…

Madness on Main Street Rundown, Pt. 2: Children of Pop + Whiite Walls + Devil Killing Moth + Tom Lynch + Sand Dollar Swing + Muddy Belle

And here we are, friends, back with the second installment of previews for this coming Saturday‘s Madness on Main Street Music Fest, which — as previously noted — promises to be a badass, laidback night of music along the Mid-Main strip that contains The Continental Club

Madness on Main Street, This Saturday (Rundown, Pt. 1): Nathan Quick + LaTasha Lee and the Black Ties + dUNE.TX + Keeton Coffman + Deep Cuts

Now, just because there’s lots of blathering going on about FPSF, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing else awesome and festival-y coming up. In fact, I’ve been horribly, ridiculously remiss ’til now by not mentioning…

FPSF 2014 Schedule and App Now Live (Plus, Some Cancellations…)

Yes, yes, yes, yes. The kind folks who run the Free Press Summer Festival popped up today, less than a month before this year’s festival kicks off (Saturday, May 31st, & Sunday, June 1st), to release two very, very awesome things: the official schedule for the festival and the mobile app for the festival…

Live: HAIM/Shy Girls

HAIM finally made their first trip to Houston, and after seeing them at Austin City Limits Festival in October, I had the date marked on my calendar months in advance. I’ve been a fan since early 2013 when I heard them by chance on satellite radio and I’ve been kicking myself ever since…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: the last place you look (Rev’d!) + The Suspects + Greg Ashley + Adam Bricks + Ghost B.C. + Sci Fi Electronic Lullaby + More

Apologies to all for dropping the ball last weekend; I had to go out of town for a family thing and didn’t have a whole lot of time when I could do the actual show writeups. sigh. But hey, I’m back now, and as we roll into the weekend on this Friday, May 2nd, there’s plenty going on…

the last place you look, Rip It Out

Ah, anticipation; sometimes, I hate you, when you string me along and make me wait eagerly for something that turns out to not be very good at all. But then sometimes, just sometimes, you deliver. It’s a little odd to be listening now to the cleaned-up, finished version of the last place you look’s latest EP, Rip It Out, because it feels like I’ve been listening to these songs for a few years now…

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