Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Bon Voyage Mike Sims + John Wiese + Cop Warmth + Morgan O’Kane + Lynched + BLSHS + Fair Attic + More

1655247_10202691531080984_1295155695_oArgh. Completely blew it for Saturday, unfortunately — gotta spend the time with the kids while I can, y’know? — so I didn’t want to let Sunday (April 6th, if you’re keeping track) slide past, as well. Especially because there’s still plenty of good things happening; here’s what I’ve got:

Bon Voyage Mike Sims, featuring Venomous Maximus, Bowel, Born Liars, Poor Dumb Bastards, Dead Roses, & Teresa Kolo @ Rudyard’s (4-11PM; free!)
First on the pile’s a bittersweet event, to be sure… Long-long-longtime Rudyard’s bartender Mike Sims — who you’ll recognize, even if you don’t know the guy personally, if you’ve ever spent any time at the venerable H-town institution — is leaving town, heading up to the Pacific Northwest with {Teresa Kolo} (herself no stranger to the Houston music scene) to start a new life & whatnot.

So naturally, the crew up at Rudz (where else?) are celebrating/mourning Mike & Teresa’s leaving town today and tonight, with a full-on barrage of loud, heavy, raw rock/metal. There’s noise-rockers {Dead Roses}, snarling garage-rawk dudes {Born Liars}, thundering, epic-sounding, doom-y metal guys {Venomous Maximus}, and long-running sludge-drunk-punks {Bowel} and {Poor Dumb Bastards}, plus an early set by Teresa. And hey, it’s free; go raise a beer or three in salute, alright?

1970477_761233403909647_1097482873_nJohn Wiese/Richard Ramirez/Illicit Relationship/Plumbing/A Week of Kindness/:::kai/ros @ Sound Exchange (7PM)
Dammit, dammit, dammit. Missed Part One of this deal yesterday, I’m afraid; experimental composer/musician (and sometime Sunn O))) member) John Wiese is in town since then, and his show yesterday included some of his film work, as well, which has me a bit bummed because it sounds like interesting stuff.

But hey, at least he’s still in town, right? If you want to catch some truly unique experimental noise-making, hit Sound Exchange this evening to see Wiese perform. He’ll be there with some big names here in town and beyond, as well, particularly noise icon {Richard Ramirez} and kai/ros, so get there early…

Cop Warmth (tape release)/Nlee (ex-Rapeworm)/Mephedrone/TV Favorites/Morgan O’Kane/Lynched @ Mango’s ($3-$5)
Well, holy crap. After a few years of seeming quiet, I’d kind of assumed {Cop Warmth}, once noisy, irreverent fixtures around these parts, had packed it in. Glad that’s not the case, though, especially since they’re releasing a brand-new cassette tonight, Womanizer. Expect ear-destroying squalls of noise that you still want to keep listening to anyway.

SleighBells2014_posterOh, and due to a bit of a mixup with the Mango’s folks, it appears there’ll be a couple of very, very different out-of-towners as the openers. Morgan O’Kane is a Virginian transplanted to NYC, and he plays music that’s Appalachian in heritage but sounds a lot more contemporary than old-school (and he’s an activist fighting against mountaintop removal mining, which makes me like him quite a bit). Then there’s Lynched, who are an honest-to-God folk-punk band from Dublin, Ireland, who are activists themselves and who sound pretty damn promising.

Show up early for the good-hearted folkies; stay late for the eardrum-imploding noisies. It’s like the best of both worlds…

Fair Attic/The Van Allen Belt/BLSHS/FLCON FCKER @ Taqueria La Macro ($5)
Last but not least, there’s this is-it-or-ain’t-it? show at someplace I’ve never heard of called Taqueria La Macro (which I guess is on the Main METRORail line?); I’m psyched about it because I like hazy, electronified dream-pop outfit {BLSHS} quite a bit so far, but dangit, they don’t say a word about it on their own Facebook page. Hrm.

Anyway, I’m going to take it on faith, then, that this is actually happening. And if so, that’s a good thing, because not only are BLSHS cool, but so is similarly-capitalized {FLCON FCKER}, a one-man electronic “band” of sorts who makes some truly neat, kinda-sorta damaged sounds. Headliners Fair Attic are pretty neat-sounding, too, although they’re very new to me. Check ’em out soon, eh?

Sleigh Bells/A SEA ES @ Warehouse Live
White Fang/Fungi Girls/duneTX @ Fitzgerald’s
Chromeo/Tokimonsta @ House of Blues
Pearland Crawfish Festival, featuring Tony Vega Band, Big Cletus & The Littles, Bon Ton Mickey and the Zydeco Hot Steppers, Van Wilks, Texas Johnny Boy, Eugene Moody, Come See My Dead Person, & Zach Tate @ Discovery Bay & Business Center Dr. (Pearland)

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, April 6th, 2014. Filed under Posts.

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