Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Roky Moon & BOLT! + Satellite D’Homme + Muhammad Ali + Rainbow Dragon + Project Grimm + SHFL 11th Anniversary + Roy Zimmerman + More

On to Saturday, y’all, March 29th, and oh, yes, is there good stuff going on. Tonight’s a tough choice, honestly; I’m hoping to get out myself, assuming the kids and wife don’t take a turn for the worse (again)… Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: What Made Milwaukee Famous + Second Lovers + The March Divide + Pleasure 2 + Deltron 3030 + Metalachi + More

Alright, y’all — it’s Friday, March 28th, and yes, there are most definitely good, cool, awesome things going on here in Houston and in the surrounding environs. Here goes…

[UPDATED!] This Saturday: Satellite D’Homme Debuts (Lands?) at Fitzgerald’s (Plus Giveaway Time!)

Alright, so this may sound a little familiar, but…do you remember last month, when we got all psyched about the return of Roky Moon & BOLT!? Of course you do! And why in the hell am I bringing it up yet again?…

Roy Zimmerman’s Political Satire — Three Nights in Houston

Roy Zimmerman is on the cutting edge of political satire in America. Like Stephen Colbert’s facetious TV persona, Zimmerman works with irony at the highest levels, playing with words and ideas…

Live: Paste Untapped Festival Houston

I should know to always leave a little extra time between getting to a show and actually expecting to get in, but as usual, I was running on time instead of early. That nearly made me late — there was quite a line forming at about 4:30…

Awesome News: The Church of Philadelphia Finally Returns, and With a New Album on the Way

Well, wow. After dealing with a house full of sick people the past few days, this was seriously some welcome good news. See, way, way back in 2007, yours truly was frankly pretty disillusioned with music in general. All the bands I loved from around here were dying off or moving away, it seemed like, and I was having a harder and harder time liking any of it, y’know?…

Tonight: Roky Moon and BOLT! Rides Again…A Little Earlier Than Anticipated

Okay, so you remember last month, when we got all psyched about the (temporary, apparently) return of Roky Moon & BOLT!? Well, it turns out the guys & gals in the band just couldn’t wait…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: KTRU Outdoor Show + Scale The Summit + The Ocean + The Dead Rabbits + Blackmarket Syndicate + Jake E. Lee + More

Saturday now, March 15th, and despite the off-and-on rain today, there’s a ton of good stuff happening. Without further ado, here we go…

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 1: Dax Riggs + Chase Hamblin + The Escatones + Bring Me the Horizon + Of Mice and Men + AER +RDGLDGRN + More

Yep, it’s Friday, March 14th right damn now, and there’s plenty going on. Unfortunately, yours truly is stuck at Terminal D of Intergalactic, waiting for my mother-in-law, who supposedly landed an hour ago. sigh

SXSW Overflow 2014: Day Six (The Littlest Viking, Sit Kitty Sit, & Drop Tank)

Yes, yes, yes. Here we are now at Day Six of the still-rolling-onwards SXSW Overflow Fest going on through next week (yes, a week later than SXSW itself) over at Ye Olde Land of the Super Happy Fun. Like last night, tonight’s a little sparse, surprisingly, in part because would-be headliners Jumpship Astronaut are no longer on the bill…

Tonight: Golden Cities + Animals as Leaders + Dead Leaf Echo + He Is Legend + Chase Hamblin + Born Liars + More

Despite my current focus on SXSW Overflow Fest, that doesn’t mean nothing else is going on this week, music-wise; far from it, actually. Tonight, in particular (Thurs., March 13th), there is a crapload of cool stuff happening, way, way more than you’d normally see on a piddly Thursday…

SXSW Overflow 2014: Day Five (Bam Bam and the Gigolos, Even The Dogs, Redrick Sultan, All Eyes West, & Vandella)

Here we are again, folks, for Day Five of SXSW Overflow Fest 2014 up in the scruffy edge of Downtown where Super Happy Fun Land lives. Tonight — Thursday, March 13th, if you don’t have a calendar handy — is looking a little lighter than the previous nights, but there’s still a fair number of folks on the bill; it’ll just start at 9PM or so this evening, as opposed to 5PM on the earlier evenings…

SXSW Overflow 2014: Day Four (After Nations, Take One Car, Jacob Latham, The Hat Madder, jungles!!!, Doomsquad, & More)

Alright, people — heading into Day Four of Super Happy Fun Land‘s supremely fun SXSW Overflow Fest 2014, and it’s definitely rolling, with more and more bands from far-flung places being packed onto the bill. Before I get into it, though, I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least briefly mention…

SXSW Overflow 2014: Day Three (Small Houses, Koo Koo Kanga Roo, Hawk and Dove, Dylan Taylor Band, White City, Hollis Brown, & More)

Trying to keep things moving on with our SCR coverage of the always-awesome SXSW Overflow Fest up at Super Happy Fun Land, so it’s on to Day Three of the festivities. As I noted before, this thing is cheap, cheap, cheap, a measly $8 per night or $24 for the whole damn deal; that amount of money won’t get you real far up in Austin right now…

SXSW Overflow 2014: Day, Er, Two (Rachel Kate, Lion in The Mane, Stuyvesant, Overlake, Autumn Electric, Dear Blanca, & Masonjar Menagerie)

Alrighty, people — yes, it’s that time of year when music/movie/tech insanity grips tight onto the throat/ears/brain of our sister city to the northwest, Austin, TX, and refuses to let go ’til it, um, stops breathing or something. Our own Jason Smith is up there now, naturally, trying to not kill himself while simultaneously attempting to see every band imaginable; check out his very handy preview up over here and be enlightened…

SXSW 2014 Preview: Thirteen Bands/Musicians We’re Psyched To See This Year

Welcome to my “Baker’s Dozen of Must See (Relatively) New Acts at SXSW 2014” Blog, if you’re heading to Austin this week…and why wouldn’t you be? I mean, we’re all teachers who get Spring Break off, right?…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Brand New Hearts + Poor Pilate + Kopecky Family Band + American Fangs + The Lotus Effect + More

And the third time’s an, um, not-charm? sigh…running late yet again on Sunday, March 9th. Still, though, as with the past two nights, there’s still time to get out & about and catch a fair number of cool, cool things; here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Jealous Creatures + A Sundae Drive + 1836 Fest + Featherface + Glass the Sky + A Night with FYHA + More

Dangit; late again, I’m afraid… It’s now Saturday, March 8th, and despite my slowness in putting this up, there’s still plenty going on this evening. Here goes…

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 1: Knights of the Fire Kingdom + Holder + Ex-Optimists + Midnight Norma Lane + Ian Moore + Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks + More

Argh, argh, argh. Running very late today, and as a result, a whole hell of a lot of things have gotten dropped, including the show rundown for tonight, Friday, March 7th. Sorry about that, y’all; there’s still to get out there, though, so here’s where to jump in the car & go right damn now…

Bad News: Mike Beatty of Alkari Suffered a Heart Attack Onstage Friday Night

Hey, all — in case some folks haven’t yet heard, I wanted to pass along some bad (although not as bad as it could be) news. This past Friday night, while playing with his band {Alkari} up at Fitzgerald’s, guitarist/singer Mike Beatty had a heart attack…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Tontons + The Octopus Project + Rattletree Marimba + Texas In Your Face Fest + Joe Pug + More

Another awesome night of music going on tonight, Saturday, March 1st — there’s so much going on, in fact, that I’m gonna have to skip mentioning a fair bit of it. Here’s what looks like the top of the list, at least to me…

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