Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Alkari + Sunrise and Ammunition + Geto Boys + Roky Erickson + The Black Angels + B.E. Godfrey + Migrant Kids + More

Start of the weekend, y’all, Friday, February 28th, and there’s plenty, plenty, plenty of good stuff happening. In the interests of actually getting this online tonight, though, I’m gonna keep it as brief as I can; here we go…

We Were Wolves, Wolf House

I’ve only ever been to Beaumont once, so I can’t claim to know what it’s like to come from there, not exactly. What I do know, however, is what it’s like to come from a dead-end, soul-destroying town with no obvious future beyond a low-wage job or the military; that’s what it was like where I went to high school, and I and nearly everyone else I know from those days got the hell out as soon as we could…

Live: CHVRCHES/Basecamp

The dreaded common cold. It came out of nowhere, only two weeks after I endured the flu and one day into my Thanksgiving vacation. But it didn’t stop me from heading out to a sold-out House of Blues to see one of 2013’s feverish break-out synthpop bands, CHVRCHES

Computer Chess

From across the land they come, the nerds, the geeks, the professionals, and the hobbyists. The computer programmers and the computer deriders, the chess pros and the chess amateurs, all seeking the answer to that age-old question: can you teach a computer to play that game of chess? A word of warning right from the outset: this movie is not for everyone…

The Consolation Project, Glaciers

I’m not entirely sure why I first started listening to the genre of music dubbed “shoegaze,” nor can I really explain to you in words what “shoegaze” means exactly. I do know, however, that along with bands such as Music for Headphones and Bloody Knives, The Consolation Project is definitely a name that has made me a fan of shoegaze. I also like to think of shoegaze as being another name for what I refer to as “Breakfast Club bands,” which means pretty much what it says…

Live: BuzzFest 2013

My reason for going to Buzzfest, aside from photography, stems from an interesting summer I had this year learning Stone Temple Pilots basslines. I became a Rob DeLeo (bassist of STP) fanatic during this time, getting down about 18 songs of theirs note-by-note. I briefly joined a Stone Temple Pilots tribute band…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Omotai (Rev’d!) + Catch Fever + American Fangs + Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. + Children of Pop + Born Liars + More

Getting a late start this evening, I know, but for those of you who aren’t already out & about this Friday, February 21st, yeah, there’s a crap-ton of cool stuff happening. Here we go…

Omotai, Fresh Hell

Rarely have I seen an album title as apt as Omotai’s Fresh Hell; and no, not because it’s bad by any stretch of the imagination, but because of the images of menace and dread it conjures up. There’s a weird sense of foreboding you get while listening, like something truly, ineffably horrible is waiting for you, just around the next corner, and it’s going to get you no matter what you do. It’s your destiny, inescapable…

Tonight: Huntronik, Linus Pauling Quartet, & Jealous Creatures at Mango’s

Not too far back, low-key Mexican restaurant/venue Mango’s shuffled up their booking people, and ever since, they’ve been throwing some excellent, excellent shows on the pile. Most lately seem to have been mostly in the punk/noise realm — which is a bit of a shift for Mango’s, I have to say — but tonight, Wednesday, February 19th, is a damn cool show that falls in a different bucket entirely…

Roky Moon & BOLT! Ride Again, Real Damn Soon

Holy freaking hell yeah, people. Yes, the much-mourned Roky Moon & BOLT! are apparently reuniting at the end of March for a couple of badass-sounding reunion shows. Granted, that doesn’t mean it’s a “real” reunion beyond those couple of gigs, but hey, I’ll take it…

Augustines, Augustines

Raise your hands high, people, and your heads, too; throw ’em back, eyes closed tight, with a look of blissful joy plastered across your face. Feel the heat of the lights on your face as they explode outwards from the stage, and the physical impact of the music as it slams against your chest…

FPSF 2014 Lineup, Now Released

BOOM, there we go. After several months of anxious waiting from us out here in the Houston music world, the organizers of the Free Press Summer Festival (FPSF, for short) just released the official lineup for this year’s festival. And yes, it’s looking pretty damn good…

Wild Moccasins, 88 92

There’s always been an ’80s influence apparent in the Wild Moccasins’ music, it’s true. With new album 88 92, however, they’re flying their neon-colored flag proudly, even spelling it out explicitly in the album title. There’s a serious New Wave feel to the whole thing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Superchunk + A Sundae Drive + The Escatones + Only Beast + Green Jelly + Jayke Orvis & the Broken Band

Hey, folks — sorry for the quiet of late; yours truly has been dealing with some changes to the job situation, and it’s left me mostly swamped and exhausted, only able to crawl out from under the past couple of days. I know I’ve been extremely lax on the posts/updates/whatever else of late, and I swear, I’m attempting to change that; hang in there, alright?…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Keeton Coffman + Mutual Benefit + Fox & Cats + The Lotus Effect + Jon Black + P.L.X.T.X + More

It’s Saturday, February 1st, now, and yes, we’re back again with all the cool things going on tonight. There’s quite a bit, which is always good, but again, I’m going to have to keep it somewhat minimal for the moment; here we go…

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