Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: You Ain’t Punk + The Wild Moccasins + Bakin’ Bacon Blues and Brews + MFAH Mixed Media + More

Gonna have to keep it brief for tonight, Friday, January 31st, folks; it’s been a bit of a nonstop week for yours truly, and I’m still scrambling, even now. sigh. Don’t fret, though, because there’s still plenty of cool stuff to check out tonight, like, say, these shows…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Brand New Heart + Ragged Hearts + Artopia + Jealous Creatures + March to the Sea + The Phlegmatics + Molly Ringwald + More

On into Saturday now, January 25th, and the icy bleakness of yesterday has given way to, well, a really awesomely nice (if still chilly) blue-sky day outside. Which is a good thing, believe me, because there’s a ton of excellent stuff going on today/tonight; here goes…

Getting Real Cold Around Here: R&B Party Icon You(genious) Turns His Hand to a Musical

Art is reinvention; at least, it should be, if everything’s working like it’s meant to. Sometimes, though, that reinvention can catch us observer-type people completely by surprise. Like, say, when SCR learned that You(genious)

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Second Lovers + Adam Bricks + Shellee Coley + New York City Queens + The Lotus Effect + BLSHS + Bang Bangz + Final Fest + More

Yes, I realize that it’s Icemageddon outside, at least according to our gleefully-chortling local Houston weatherpeople (who seemingly spend their days waiting anxiously for moments of dramatic bad weather like this to give their lives meaning). Even still, though, there’re plenty of reasons to venture out onto the frosty roads tonight (just drive carefully, alright?), Friday, January 24th. Here’s what looks/sounds cool to me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Beans + David Ramirez + Odessa + Versklaven + Another Run + Come See My Dead Person + More

Alright, people — welcome to your weekend, starting right damn here, right now. There is a ton of excellent, excellent stuff happening this weekend, beginning tonight, Friday, January 17th, and while I’m not going to be able to hit all of it, I’ll hit as much as I can. Cool? Cool. Here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Spain Colored Orange + The Wheel Workers + Mikey and the Drags (Rev’d!) + Tron Sack + Flying Fish Sailors + More

Okay, so once upon a time I had relatively few issues coming home on Friday nights and cranking out these little rundown things. Then, we got the kids LEGO Batman 2 for the Wii, and suddenly, every Friday night when I get home, I find myself plopped on the couch next to one or both children, running around LEGO Gotham…

Mikey and the Drags, On The Loose!

It’s always nice when somebody not only exceeds your expectations but beats them into the pavement with a length of lead pipe, leaving ’em bleeding and unconscious as they walk away. And yeah, that’s…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: these days + Black Coffee + Little Rhianna Benefit + Folk Family Revival + Youth Brigade + Blackmarket Syndicate + More

Well into Saturday, January 4th, now, and while it’s still a little on the quiet side yet — everybody’s still recovering from the fact that it’s a new year, I guess? — don’t worry, there are still a few damn good shows happening tonight. Like, say, these…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Phlegmatics + Kirke Campbell + Places to Hide + Murder City Devils + American Sharks + More

Back from Vacation Time, and naturally, I’m late again with this week’s big pile of cool-ass shows. Tonight’s Friday, January 3rd, the start of the first weekend of the year, and while it’s not that busy a night, there’re still some cool-sounding shows happening…

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