Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Adam Bricks + March to the Sea + Blondie + Electric Attitude + The Rads + More

1184897_10100863759890395_407910007_nI’ve been struggling over here all week, fighting a nasty flu/cold thing while trying not to fall behind at the Day Job, so I’ll unabashedly admit that I’m looking forward to nothing more tonight than sitting on the couch and playing LEGO Batman 2 on the Wii with the kids and then catching up on the first few episodes of Sons of Anarchy. It’s been that kind of week, y’all.

But hey, just because I find myself a shut-in doesn’t mean you have to — in fact, you really, truly shouldn’t, because there’s plenty of cool things happening this evening, Friday, September 27th. Here goes:

Return of GardenFest, featuring Gypsy Davies, FLCON FCKER, March to the Sea, The Anthemeers, Silent Hunters, Downer, Adam Bricks, & Mary Brett @ Avant Garden ($10)
First up, there’s a fine, fine slate of mostly-local folks, with some names I recognize & like already — urban, sharp-edged folkie {Adam Bricks}, moody post-rockers {March to the Sea}, and strangely serene, heavy-lidded electronics-masher {FLCON FCKER} — and some others I’ve been meaning to check out before now, like {Silent Hunters} & Huntsville band The Anthemeers. It’s a mere $10 to get in the door, so make plans to hit up the Avant Garden tonight, eh?

Blondie/X @ Warehouse Live
What can I say? As the years roll on, my feelings towards Blondie (the band, not the comic strip) have definitely changed. For a long, long time — as in, all of college and a few years after — I could not freaking stand the band, I swear. I was sick to death of every damn song they ever wrote, and the more popular ones were the worst of the bunch.

972351_424454731006037_1425652306_nAnd then, hell, I got past it. I started smiling again when I heard them on the radio (although no, I still can’t stand the “rap” in “Rapture,” sorry), and I realized how much I really, truly liked the band, overplayed or not. “One Way or Another” is awesomely creepy and stalker-ish, and hell, I even find myself liking their cover of “The Tide Is High”. Sorry, college, but you were wrong on that one…

Food Truck Night, featuring Electric Attitude @ Vinal Edge Records (239 W. 19th; 6PM)
On the early side of things, head on up to 19th Street in the Heights for Food Truck Night, which will include one of my absolute-favorite burger “places” of, well, ever, Bernie’s Burger Bus, and one of my favorite H-town bands, the incomparably funky {Electric Attitude}. I dunno how long the EA guys will be playing over at Vinal Edge, so get on up there at 6PM sharp so you can be sure to catch ’em, alright?

The Rads @ Union Tavern (Webster)
Finally, way, way, way down in the wilds of Webster, those strange, out-of-time weirdballs The Rads will be bursting onto the stage at the Union Tavern to remind the world that, yes, The ’80s was indeed a fun time. Seriously, I caught this {A Sundae Drive} retro-covers side-project earlier this year and was mightily impressed, not least of all because they look like they’re having a blast up there. Fingers crossed that Zeek brings his proton pack!

Mingo Fishtrap/Little Joe Washington @ The Continental Club
Building Temples From Death Pre-Party, featuring Shawn Whitaker, Demoniacal Genuflection, Skinned, Disfigured, Sadistic Butchering, & Crucify The Enslaved @ Fitzgerald’s
Child Man/Bowel/Burn The Boats @ Rudyard’s
Zo!/Carmen Rodgers/Radio Galaxy @ House of Dereon Media Center (2204 Crawford; 8-11:30PM)

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, September 27th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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