Coming Up: Yes Indeed! 2013 Explodes Into Downtown, This Weekend

yesindeed2013Ah, yeah. Like the title says, this coming weekend marks the return of the Yes Indeed! Music Festival, and holy crap does it look awesome. This year the venue’s shifted somewhat, from the Main Street area to the current venue mecca that is the warehouses on Downtown’s northern edge, but the list of bands playing is even better than it was last year, and the whole thing promises to be a hell of a lot of fun.

The festival organizers (Jason Smith and Bassman Pep) have this year commandeered the Last Concert Cafe (1403 Nance), the Houston House of Creeps (807 William), and new space The Doctor’s Office (1301 Nance), forming a triangle-ish shape of awesomeness that’ll run from 3PM or so on through the 2AM mark this coming Saturday, September 14th.

Thirty or so of the coolest damn bands from H-town and beyond will be playing their wee hearts out on those three stages, while the rest of us rock out and drink and smile like morons. They’ve got Austin band Quiet Company headlining, plus a slew of other excellent, excellent bands and musicians from all points of the musical compass, like {Jealous Creatures}, {Perseph One}, {A Sundae Drive}, {Knights of the Fire Kingdom}, Purple (from Beaumont), {The Wheel Workers}, & Murdocks (also from Austin). You can check out the full schedule over here.

And the whole thing’s a mere $10 if you buy your ticket in advance ($15 at the door, for you slackers out there).

Full Disclosure Time: yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll freely admit that I know Jason, one of the Yes Indeed! head honchos, pretty well; he writes for this here site quite a bit, and yeah, I consider him a friend. However, beyond the SCR connection and general friend-iness (and the fact that I like his band, {Alkari}, a hell of a lot), he’s also just plain Good People in general, and he’s definitely got his heart in the right place. He and cohort Pep are in doing a very cool thing with this festival, and that makes them heroes in my book.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now, but I’ll be posting later this week about the bands playing this thing, so you, dear reader, can more fully comprehend why yes, you really need to come to this festival. Trust me on this, folks: it’s going to be pretty awesome.

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 10th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Coming Up: Yes Indeed! 2013 Explodes Into Downtown, This Weekend”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yes Indeed! 2013 Rundown, Pt. 1: The Wheel Workers + Knights of the Fire Kingdom + Dadsmom + Purple + Sunrise and Ammunition + The Beans + A Sundae Drive + More on September 12th, 2013 at 5:21 pm

    […] I mentioned a couple of days ago, see, there’s this cool-ass “mini”-music festival coming up this Saturday, […]

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