As My Mind Races, By Stephen Garrett of Priests of Hiroshima

AS MY MIND RACES, BY STEPHEN GARRETT OF PRIESTS OF HIROSHIMA My name is Stephen Garrett and I’m an MC with the rap collectives called The Great Lakes Crew & Ryme Skeem. I also perform under the name Steve G. and One Gig Kid. I’m also a black man. I moved to Houston from Sandusky […]

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Electric Attitude + Omotai + Dynamo Post-Game + Animals as Leaders + Gary Floyd Benefit + Exploded Drawing + Fuzzy Fest + More

Oh, wow. That is a big-ass list of good shows happening tonight, so many that yeah, I’m gonna have to keep this kind of brief. Without further blatheration, here goes…

Electric Attitude, Skintight & Solid Gold

Alright, Electric Attitude, I’ll admit it: you got me. You made it work, and you got me, so much so that I’ve been humming along with the songs on Skintight & Solid Gold in my head for a straight week now. And to tell you the truth, I was pretty worried…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Tontons + Adam Bricks + Tyagaraja + Alkari + P.L.X.T.X + Keeton Coffman + The Beans + Days N’ Daze + More

Hey, folks — rolling around to the weekend-time again (today being Friday, July 26th), and yes, there’s plenty of cool stuff happening. Here we go, people…

The Winery Dogs, The Winery Dogs

My initial interest in The Winery Dogs was due to Mike Portnoy’s involvement. Ever since I first heard him on Neal Morse’s post-Spock’s Beard solo albums, he’s become one of my favorite drummers, and I’ve been slowly trying to acquire…


It’s nearly the same as the first RED, but less so. The filmmakers, and probably the money people behind them, have taken the first film as less of a setup and more in the way of market research for how to make a franchise work…

Think Like A Photographer: FPSF 2013, Looking Through the Viewfinder

I’m supposed to be on vacation! And here it is July, and I’m finally finding time to write about my Free Press Summer Festival experience. Right after FPSF I headed out on an incredible California and Oregon trip to surprise my sister for her birthday, as well as see…


Dead people aren’t dead, or at least they’re not taking it lying down. They’re coming back into the world, squeaking through the cracks and trying to keep some semblance of their lives up. And in the process, running the world to rot. Someone’s got to keep them in line…

White Supremacy Unaware of Its Own Existence

When blacks respond to continued injustice by peacefully protesting, many white people are annoyed, and say things like, “Ok, enough already,” or “They’re the ones with the racism problem, we’re already over it.” USA TODAY asked, “After Zimmerman Verdict, Can Nation Heal Racial Rift?”…

Queensrÿche, Queensrÿche

The highest praise I can give this brand-new self-titled release is to say that this is the very first Queensrÿche purchase I’ve ever made. I’d never really listened to Queensrÿche before the drama of the past year caught my attention, and at first, it was…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Linus Pauling Quartet (Rev’d!) + 30footFALL + Bickley + Night Moves + David Dove & Jawaad Taylor + CounterCrawl + More

Spent the day with the kids and grandparents down in Stafford, racing LEGO cars at Techno Chaos and visiting the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (which is jaw-droppingly beautiful and peaceful, regardless of what religion you subscribe to)…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Alkari + A Sundae Drive + The Maine + Featherface + Kam Franklin + Error Forest + More

Got family in town, so I’m a little behind with the show rundown (yeah, like that’s unusual) tonight, Friday, July 19th. And there’s plenty going on, too, although I’m going to have to skim it somewhat… Here we go…

The Maine, Forever Halloween

Don’t be fooled by The Maine’s collective youthful demeanor, the obligatory hipster-kid haircuts, or the fact that they got their start on pop-punk label Fearless Records — this band isn’t yet another pop-punk-y post-emo gang of kids who grew up wanting to…

The Linus Pauling Quartet, Find What You Love and Let It Kill You

And now, for something completely different. Well, mostly. You have to hand it to the Linus Pauling Quartet guys for being one of the most out-and-out contrary bands going; expect one thing from them, and they’re likely to do the opposite…

Let The Bass Drop: Surviving FPSF 2013, Day One

If there’s anything I’ve learned in all the years I’ve spent doing critical writing, both in college and after, it’s that you can make anything have a theme. Not that everything actually has a theme, mind you, but rather that if you read…

Live: Deafheaven/Marriages

What was I, a person who considers Jeff Buckley’s Grace to be the pinnacle of modern musicianship, doing at a black metal concert? A person whose only real venture into harder music consists of ownership of The Dillinger Escape Plan’s…

Marc Berger, Ride

Were you as disappointed in the most recent Bruce Springsteen album, Wrecking Ball, as I was? I’m not saying that it was necessarily a bad album, but it just seemed to be so typical of Bruce Springsteen. It wasn’t what I would call the best…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: A Day of Music + The Lotus Effect + Space City Sonic Array + Vestibule + Brand New Hearts + More

Alrighty; it’s late, but here I am, attempting to get a jump on things (for once). I’m pretty fried, though, so I’ll have to keep this short, alright? Here’s what I think looks/sounds cool for Saturday, July 13thallons-y, Alonzo…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Buxton + The Appleseed Cast + The Life and Times + Funeral Horse + Brazos + Big Country + The Guillotines + More

Yes, folks, it’s that time again — the weekend is here, starting tonight, Friday, July 12th, and while it’s not quite as jam-packed as some recent Fridays have been, well, it’s still looking pretty good. Apologies, by the way, for the quiet of late ’round these parts…

Pacific Rim

Who doesn’t like giant robots? That is the deep, philosophical question at the heart of Guillermo Del Toro‘s Pacific Rim. If the answer that pops into your head is “nobody, obviously,” then this is definitely the movie for you…

Live: Gary P. Nunn (Playing Wednesday at Main Street Crossing)

When Gary P. Nunn began to play “What I Like About Texas,” I said to Dosey Doe Music Cafe house photographer Dave Clements, “It reminds me of when Ray Wylie plays ‘Redneck Mother’.” “Ray Wylie hates playing ‘Redneck Mother’,” Dave said…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1, er 2: football, etc. + Hoofprints + Valens + Paper Route + A Thousand Colours + Fire Moth + WAR + More

Sorry for skipping most of this week, folks; spent the last few days with the fam, so y’know… Trying to make up for lost time somewhat now, all while juggling cleaning the house for a big-ass neighborhood party tomorrow (which we’ve just learned will probably have to be inside, rather than outside like we’d planned). Happily, there’s some damn good stuff going on tonight, Saturday, July 6th

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