The Bright Light Social Hour Rocks Out for Wendy Davis

1005953-heroimage1While I do try to keep the political stuff a little low-key on this blog, sometimes I can’t help it. So, here we go: I, like a lot of folks down here in Texas, apparently, spent Tuesday night (and parts of Wednesday) glued to the TV/Internet as Senator Wendy Davis pulled off a 10-hour filibuster in the Texas Senate to stop a bill that’s now known widely as SB5.

It was a pretty mind-blowing scene, with protesters packing into the Capitol Building, lots of cheering and chanting, and all sorts of political maneuvering on both sides. SB5 did eventually get a vote, but it didn’t pass until after midnight, at which point it was supposed to be dead. I’m pretty happy with how it went, myself; not everybody is, so to each their own on that one.

As the night went on, I discovered via Facebook that several friends of mine from college were apparently either inside the Senate chamber during some or all of the filibuster, hanging in with Sen. Davis to show their support, and it turns out that another group of Austinites were there, as well: party-down quasi-classic rockers The Bright Light Social Hour.

The BLSH guys were there, showing their support, and were so moved by the spectacle that they felt compelled to run home and record a brand-new jam and video, both entitled (duh) “Wendy Davis”. Check out the video, which includes footage of the band rocking out in their studio and footage of the crowd at the Senate building:

Oh, and you can also grab an MP3 of the song, for free, just below. It’s a funky, rubbery, spur-of-the-moment instrumental jam (the only “vocals” are people in the crowd chanting “Wen-dy! Wen-dy!”) that sounds like it could’ve come out of the speakers back in the late ’60s or early ’70s, and I’m enjoying the hell out of it right now. Here you go:

Naturally, the Texas GOP’s not taking Sen. Davis’s successful fight against SB5 lying down, and Governor Goodhair‘s already scheduled a second special session to pick it up once more. Keep an eye on Austin, folks; there’s serious stuff going on up there.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, June 27th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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