Rock N Roll, In Photos: See Marc Brubaker’s Concert Photography, Starting Tonight

969585_10103356816689324_1961340864_nIf you’ve been to any shows around this town since the year 2000 or so, odds are good that you’ve run across photographer Marc Brubaker without even realizing it. He’s a photo ninja, somehow hiding that lanky frame ’til just the right second to get the shot, popping up in the photo pit and then — poof! — he’s gone. Seriously, I’ve watched the guy work, and that’s what it’s like.

Brubaker, who’s also done time as part of {Prairie Cadets}, overseeing the sadly-defunct Houstonist, and running booking group Waste No Buffalo over the years, not to mention his {H-Town Rock} blog and accompanying H-Town Rock Wiki (which I’ve been meaning to mention for a long damn time now), has turned over the past decade from a guy who just shoots photos for fun into one of the city’s preeminent rock photographers. Houston’s got a small-yet-impressive crew of music photogs these days, and while I’m probably a bit biased, I’ll still declare that Marc’s one of the best working right now. He’s one of those photographers (along with Mark C. Austin & SCR‘s own Jason Smith) who make me look at my own half-assed attempts at photography at shows, sigh, and mutter, “well, crap; I suck.” And hey, I’m okay with that.

I bring up Marc right now because the guy will have an exhibition of his concert photography up at Catalina Coffee starting tonight, Friday, June 14th. There’s an official-shmofficial opening reception this evening, running from 8-10PM, so definitely make it out to that if you can. And hey, there’ll apparently be Saint Arnold’s beer for the drinking, so there’s that as a bonus.

If you can’t make it out tonight — like, say, yours truly…sigh — well, you’re not totally screwed. Marc’s work will be up at Catalina from now until June 30th, so stop on by whenever you get a chance.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, June 14th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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