Comicpalooza 2013 Preview: Something For Everybody

255472_545443988827135_725015911_nThe program schedule for Comicpalooza has me all a-twitter with excitement. This weekend, Friday, May 24th, through Sunday, May 26th, the George R. Brown will be the site of Comicpalooza, The International Texas Comic Con, a convention that started right here in Houston six years ago.

Now, when you read the word “convention,” you might think of Star Trek uniforms and obsessive nerds clutching lightsabers. And you’d be partially correct. The convention is a great place to meet like-minded fans of your particular obsession, be it Doctor Who, Star Trek (or Wars), Bronies, or steampunk; they’re all represented here.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. We don’t want to forget why there’s a “comic” in Comicpalooza. For fans of the funny book, don’t fret, because comic books are not lost in the crowd, as has been the trend with larger comic book conventions. Artists Alley remains a great place to meet professionals and up-and-coming artists alike. Panel discussions will be held with legends of the industry, like George Pérez, Chris Claremont, and Michael Golden.

That said, if you’re not a fan of comics, there will still be plenty to do and see. Exhibitions are held all weekend, from comedy shows to wrestling matches to belly dancing to roller derby. Panel discussions are held where you can learn about filmmaking on a budget, ballroom dancing, swing dancing, and voice acting.

If sitting in front of the TV is more your style, keep an eye out for the ever-expanding guest list, including Patrick Stewart, Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca, from the Star Wars movies), and Danny Trejo.

In conjunction with Comicpalooza, the Geroge R. Brown Convention Center will house Galacticon III. Held every five years, this gathering provides fans of the popular Battlestar Galactica series the opportunity to meet their small-screen idols and share their favorite moments from the Sci-Fi Channel incarnation or the classic ’80s television show. Edward James Olmos, Admiral William “Husker” Adama himself, will be there, along with dozens of members of both casts. Galacticon starts Thursday, May 23rd, and your Comicpalooza ticket will gain you some access.

Vendors of all stripes will be available, too. You’ll have T-shirts galore, gaming supplies (you can never have too many dice!), Cthulhu plushies, vintage toys, almost anything related to popular culture that you can think of. Last year, my wife and I ended up leaving with a Batman board game, circa 1989, and a life-size Kermit plush. So save up your cash for that Dalek tea cozy you’ve been wanting, or that life-size Uruk-hai armor you’ve been looking everywhere for.

I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday. I’ll either be wearing my Dr. Frank N. Furter getup or shorts and a T-shirt. You’ll have to show up to find out which.

[Comicpalooza will be Friday, May 24th, through Sunday, May 26th, at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Single-day memberships are available on the website, but the best value is the 3-day Adult pass for $45 online, $50 at the door. Children’s tickets are $12 online, $16 at the door.

Galacticon III will also be held at the George R. Brown. Activities will run from Thursday, May 23rd, through Monday, May 27th. Online ticket sales have been closed, but tickets may be bought at the door. More information can be found here.]

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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