Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Quiet Company + Fight Cancer Benefit + Leroy Sibbles + Lager Rhythms + More

533362_10200260518729017_487798703_nAh, Sunday; usually the day so quiet and laid-back I don’t need to worry about posting about it, but that’s definitely not the case today, April 14th — there’s actually a fair number of things going on, although the bulk of ’em are somewhat outside-the-Loop. Here goes:

Quiet Company @ Dosey Doe Music Cafe (Conroe)
And the winner is…Austin’s amazing, amazing, mind-blowing Quiet Company, who are playing tonight at the Dosey Doe Music Cafe up in Conroe. What can I say? I freaking love this band, to the point where I’ll happily listen to 2011’s We Are All Where We Belong over and over and over and over again, damn near ’til my ears are bleeding, and it still won’t be enough. These guys play sweet, earnest indie-pop songs that are smart and thoughtful and intensely personal, and they play every damn one of ’em like the world’s about to end, everything crashing down on our little heads. It’s great on the album, and even better live, honest.

To make things even better, the band’s just released a “new” album (well, kind of new, but we’ll get to that), A Dead Man On My Back. I say “new” because it’s actually the Quiet Company crew revisiting their debut album from back in 2006, Shine Honesty. Rather than just clean up the old recordings, though, the band went in and re-recorded the whole damn thing, changing things up at points and adding new stuff (including two new songs) along the way. I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, but I’m seriously looking forward to it…

As just a little bit of a taste, here’s the band’s new video for “The Emasculated Man and the City That Swallowed Him”; people who cringe at the thought of destroying musical instruments (like, say, my little girl, apparently) may want to give it a pass, but otherwise, enjoy:

Support Linda’s Cancer Fighters Benefit: Raise Money for Relay for Life, featuring Engine 69, Punk Rock Project Houston, Rainchild, Black Kennedy, Awaken the Siren, Theica, & Rayleen @ BFE Rock Club (4-11PM; $8/$10)
A wee bit closer into town, there’s also a cool-looking show happening up at BFE Rock Club; it’s benefit for a group called Linda’s Cancer Fighters, which I think is a Relay for Life team who’s raising money to fight cancer. And hell, I’m always for that — I can’t speak for everybody, but I’ve lost several people in my life to cancer, and I want it gone.

Dunno a lot of the bands, unfortunately, but I’ve heard good things about {Black Kennedy} and {Punk Rock Project}, in particular; make sure you get there early so you can check it all out, and fight the good fight against cancer.

Ja-Ga Reggae Festival, featuring Leroy “Heptone” Sibbles, Errol Lee & The Bare Essential Band, Music Spirit USA, Light of the Trinity Sound, Liberation Band, DJ Hummingbird, DJ Tony 4 Real, & D.R.U.M. @ 2100 Seawall Blvd. (Galveston; 12-5:45PM)
Nice. I can’t claim to know who most of the folks playing the last day of this year’s Ja-Ga Reggae Fest down in Galveston, but I definitely know who Leroy Sibbles is — he fronted The Heptones back in the ’70s, for one thing, and is a ridiculously influential bassist on top of that, helping to fashion the entire damn reggae sound for everybody who came after him. The man’s a living legend, seriously.

Lager Rhythms @ McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
And finally, there’s this show over at the Mucky Duck, with an acapella group from my alma mater, the {Lager Rhythms}. And yes, if you get the joke in the name, you are a geek, just like me, so suck it. Anyway, they’re a neat group, well worth seeing/hearing. And hey, how many acapella bands can say The Strokes ripped off the cover art of one of their albums?

Pierce the Veil/All Time Low/Mayday Parade/You Me at Six @ Bayou Music Center
xx-xv, featuring Offed, Ill Informed, Gain, & Sold Short @ Mango’s
My Spine Is The Bassline, featuring DJ No Fun @ Double Trouble Caffeine & Cocktails (3622 Main)
The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival, featuring Ruthie Foster, Milton Hopkins, & Texas Johnny Brown @ Town Center (The Woodlands)
Third Annual Kemah Crawfish Festival, featuring The Fab 5, Grateful Geezers, Bayou Roux, Ezra Charles, Trick Dog, & more @ Under Kemah Bridge (Kemah)
Luau Bash, featuring The Space Rockers, D.R.U.M., Fondue Monks, DJ Bizz, & DJ Senega @ The West End (5320 Westheimer)

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, April 14th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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