Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Haute Wheels Houston + Ghosts Along the Brazos + Houston Holi Mela 2013 + More

index2On into Sunday, March 24th, y’all, and there’s still some good stuff happening, although some of it’s relatively early in the day (er, afternoon), or even going on right freaking now. Here we go:

Haute Wheels Houston 3rd Annual Food Truck Festival, featuring Electric Attitude, Folk Family Revival, & Johnny Falstaff @ Houston Community College Southwest-West Loop Campus (5601 West Loop South Freeway; 12-5PM)
Missed this one completely yesterday, unfortunately, so I definitely didn’t want to totally miss the boat today, as well… The Haute Wheels Houston Food Truck Festival is a neat, neat idea, in my book, and the bands they pick every year to liven up the food-eating proceedings are awesome, pretty much without any exceptions.

Today’s lineup includes excellent electro-funk-pop-dance outfit {Electric Attitude}, who are always fun, and Magnolia-bred country/roots-rock/folk dudes {Folk Family Revival}, who I desperately need to be able to get out and see at some point, and soon. “Unfolding,” the title track off their phenomenal first album, sends a chill up and down my spine every single damn time I hear it, seriously. Oh, and food. Lots and lots of food, from the best food trucks in H-town. Get on it, y’all.

Ghosts Along the Brazos @ McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
First things first: Ghosts Along the Brazos win practically on their name alone, I’ll admit it freely. It evokes a neat image, to be sure. That wouldn’t mean much, though, if they didn’t also play heartfelt, warm-voiced country that’s wise beyond the band’s handful of years (yeah, they’re pretty much kids). Well worth checking out tonight up at the Mucky Duck.

Masala Radio’s Eco-Friendly Holi Mela 2013, featuring DJ Nish, DJ Rizz, DJ Zee, & more @ Seabourne Creek Park (Rosenberg; 12-5PM)
If you’ve never been to a mela at all, well, you’re seriously missing out; the last time we visited the London-dwelling branch of the family, we were able to check out a mela over in one of the London suburbs, and it was a blast. Plenty of Indian music, tons of dancing, and great, great food. And it looks like this year’s Houston Holi mela is no exception. Okay, scratch that — it’s better, because it has the added coolness of people throwing all sorts of colored powder at one another. What can I say? The ten-year-old boy in me thinks that’s the best idea ever. And yes, it’s all free. Get on down to Rosenberg…

Crime Wave/Brain Tumors/Bastard Cult/Hel-Razor @ The White Swan
Lydia/Indian Lakes/Sweet Talker/Dignan @ Fitzgerald’s

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, March 24th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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