Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Eric Clapton + SXSW Overflow + Sustainable Living Fest + Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside + More

On the road again today — Sat., March 16th — but I’ll try to get a quick post in while the wife oh-so/kindly drives (ah, smartphones & wives are awesome…). Here we go:

Eric Clapton/The Wallflowers @ Toyota Center
What can I say? I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t go see Clapton if I had the chance; he’s a bona-fide legend. And as for The Wallflowers, they’re one of those ’90s bands that irked me at the time but that I actually kinda-sorta like now; it’s very weird. I’m not sure if it’s my tastes changing or just that ’90s radio makes today’s radio seem godawful in comparison…

SXSW Overflow Fest, featuring Lost Weekend, Forced Into Femininity, sami.the.great, Glory, Irene & The Sleepers, Jonathan Warren & The Billy Goats, & The Bengsons @ Super Happy Fun Land
Already posted about this, but again: SXSW Overflow Fest is good. And for tonight, Irene & The Sleepers and The Bengsons are awesome, in particular.

Houtopia: Sustainable Living Fest 2013, featuring The Craig Kinsey Band, The Wheel Workers, & Journey Agents @ Market Square (301 Milam; 12-6PM, free!)
Ah, festivals are excellent. And festivals about sustainability & green living, well, they’re even better. Especially when great, great folks like rootsy troubadour {Craig Kinsey} and smart, political rockers {The Wheel Workers.} are playing. Oh, and when it’s free. C’mon, what’ve you got to lose?

Thao & The Get Down Stay Down/Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside @ Fitzgerald’s
I’m kinda up-and-down on Thao & The Get Down Stay Down, to be completely honest, but I like Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside quite a bit. They’re an indie-rock band, sure, but they’re like a band out-of-time, rollicking and raw and bluesy and snarling. They pull no punches, and it’s awesome.

10 Years/the last place you look/Lost Element/A Midnight in Chicago @ The Scout Bar (Clear Lake)
And way, waaaay down in Clear Lake, there’s what looks to be a nice lineup of heavy/melodic alternarock, with personal faves {the last place you look} shining especially bright. Seriously, in love this damn band.

Dibia$e/Treasure Mammal/Josiah Gabriel/Third World TV/Rez/FLCON FCKER/DJ Melodic @ 6745 Hurst
Nick Gaitan & The Umbrella Man/Tax the Wolf @ The Continental Club
Punx to the Slam!!!, featuring Alimanas, Peasant, Ixteria Korrosiva, The Slizz, Talk Sick Brats, & Bastard Cvlt @ Ballistics Skate House
Suplecs/The Gates of Slumber/Sanctus Bellum/H.R.A. @ Rudyard’s
Praia Urbana, featuring Sander Kleinenberg, Fur Coat, Sarah Main, Alex Clavijo, Bobby Blyss, Esteban Torres, Little Martin, Charles Bell, Joe Ross, & Hyro @ Last Concert Cafe (2-11PM)
Southern Backtones @ Belle’s Landing (West Columbia)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, March 16th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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2 Responses to “Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Eric Clapton + SXSW Overflow + Sustainable Living Fest + Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside + More”

  1. Hunter on March 16th, 2013 at 11:49 am

    Wish I could see Clapton and Wallflowers tonight too!

  2. TT on October 15th, 2014 at 4:12 pm


    SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Eric Clapton + SXSW Overflow + Sustainable Living Fest + Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside + More

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