Awesome News: Tom Carter Is Back On Stage and Here in Houston, Next Monday

cartertHeard about this earlier today, and I couldn’t be more psyched; seriously, this is up there with the FPSF announcement in terms of good news, at least for me. What’s the big deal? Well, Tom Carter, expat Houstonian, experimental-guitar maestro, and all-round cool guy, will be gracing the stage here in town once again, over at the Avant Garden as part of the They, Who Sound series.

This would be a cool show even under normal circumstances, but the circumstances this past year certainly haven’t been normal for Tom. In case you weren’t paying attention, Tom became seriously ill last June while on tour in Europe with Charalambides, so ill that he had to be hospitalized.

Even after the hospital stay was over, he wasn’t out of rehab and back home ’til August, and I expect it’s taken him time beyond that to fully recover.

So, I’m damn glad to see Tom on his feet again; he’s an amazing musician and a genuinely nice guy, and trust me, it’ll be well worth it to see him back up onstage.

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 5th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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