Tomorrow: The Tontons’ Asli Omar Opens the Major League Soccer Season

asliomar1Fans of soccer and awesome, Houston-bred music, unite! Got word a little earlier today that tomorrow’s Major League Soccer season opener tomorrow, Saturday, March 2nd, will feature none other than Asli Omar of absolutely-badass psych-soul band {The Tontons}, who gets the honor of performing the National Anthem live on national TV. Say it with me now: Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Seriously, this is excellent; Omar’s a phenomenal singer, so I’m happy as hell to see her get an opportunity like this, and I’ll freaking guarantee she’ll be amazing. The match is between the Houston Dynamo (naturally) and D.C. United, and it’ll be at the BBVA Compass Stadium on the east side of Downtown.

If you’re not going to be at the game, you can watch it on NBC Sports at 7PM (Houston time). Make sure you change over early so you can hear Asli sing, eh? Internet High-Five from us over here at SCR, Ms. Omar…

(Photo by Megan Tipps.)

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, March 1st, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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