Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Deftones + Mikey & The Drags + The Handshake + SHFL 10-Year Anniversary + Ragged Hearts + More

Next day of the weekend today, with Saturday, March 30th, and it’s kind of on the crazy side tonight; there’s a ton of stuff going on. Here we go…

Mikey & The Drags, “Spill Your Guts”/“Solstice”

Alright, so I went into Mikey & The Drags’ official debut release pretty much figuring I’d like it; it just seemed like a foregone conclusion, given how much I already liked the stuff I’d heard from ’em so far, so why worry? And in the end, I definitely do like this 7″, although not for quite…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Chase Hamblin & The Roustabouts (Rev’d!) + Murder the Stout + Clouseaux + The March Divide + More

Getting a late start tonight, unfortunately; sorry ’bout that. It’s Friday, March 29th, y’all, and there’s definitely some good stuff going on tonight, even starting right now. Here we go…

Chase Hamblin & The Roustabouts, VAUdeVILLE

Step right up, folks; duck your head as you make your way inside the tent, then prepare yourself for Chase Hamblin & The Roustabouts as the roll and ramble through their long-awaited full-length, VAUdeVILLE… First things first: the band’s…

G.I. Joe: Retaliation

Oh, G.I. Joe, will you never get the respect that Transformers does? Will you always be in their shadow, no matter how much slightly, marginally better your movies are? The answer is “yes,” when marginally better is compared to…

Preview Time: The March Divide at Super Happy Fun Land, This Friday

Odds are if you’ve only ever heard one song by The March Divide, that song would be “Still Analog.” In that catchy pop song, Jared Putnam (formerly of The Conversation) mostly spends the chorus begging someone named Shannon to come see him…

Dntel, Life is Full of Possibilities (Deluxe)

Given that The Postal Service will be headlining this year’s Free Press Summer Fest, it seems appropriate to revisit the album that brought together Death Cab for Cutie’s Ben Gibbard and producer Jimmy Tamborello. Long before the Iron and Wine cover and years before the fervor…

Scout, All Those Relays

My first notes regarding listening to this album included: “Probably won’t like this, it’s kind of indie country.” After listening to this album several times, I have not changed my stance on that at all. If Scout could pick a musical sound on this album, then perhaps I might be able to give it a better review. I’m not saying that I’d like it…

Live: The Wheel Workers/The Wandering Bufaleros/Jealous Creatures/Second Lovers

When you have been in bands for 25 years, you can tell when a band has put everything they’ve got into a performance. This kind of effort was on display at Fitzgerald’s last night. With the release of their new album, Past to Present, The Wheel Workers

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Haute Wheels Houston + Ghosts Along the Brazos + Houston Holi Mela 2013 + More

On into Sunday, March 24th, y’all, and there’s still some good stuff happening, although some of it’s relatively early in the day (er, afternoon), or even going on right freaking now. Here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Bang Bangz + The Fox Derby + A Sundae Drive + Jimmie Dale Gilmore + Humungus + More

sigh. Been a crazy day, y’all — I’m bummed that I completely missed out on the first day of this year’s Haute Wheels Houston food truck festival, especially since they had very cool people like {The Wheel Workers}, {Craig Kinsey}, & {Southern Backtones} playing, dammit…

Bang Bangz, Red City

There’s something about Bang Bangz’s Red City — the band’s music in general, really — that makes me want to get out. I feel like I need to just to get up and walk out the door into the darkness, and just keep walking until something…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Vacation Eyes + Mydolls + SXSW Overflow 2013 + SCN Zine Release + Devil Killing Moth + More

Moving slow as usual; this week was a bear at work and at home, unfortunately, so I’m still catching up. Some good stuff’s happening tonight, Friday, March 22nd, though, so don’t miss out, eh? Here goes…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Fourteen, At Long Last (The Witherees, Flux Bikes, Skyline FiftyFour, & Another Pearl Harbor)

Well, here we are, people; it’s Friday, March 22nd, the final night of SXSW Overflow 2013 at Super Happy Fun Land, after which you’ll have to sit on your hands ’til this time next year…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Thirteen (Stanley and the Search, Alien Knife Fight, & Dead Mineral)

Almost done, y’all — tonight, Thursday, March 21st, happens to be the penultimate night of this year’s SXSW Overflow Fest up at Super Happy Fun Land, so if you haven’t yet made it out, go, go, go…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Twelve (Vox Vocis, Kids From Nowhere, Pocket Vinyl, & Si Mori)

Well, damn. I just looked at today’s SXSW Overflow Fest schedule on the Super Happy Fun Land site, and lo and behold…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Eleven (The Dirty Seeds, Sugar Bayou, HolySexyBastards, & Pocket Vinyl)

Alright, so things appear to be slowing down for this year’s SXSW Overflow Fest, sadly; it’s now Day Eleven of the insanity, and there’re only four bands on the bill…

The Littlest Viking, The Littlest Viking

Fans of ’90s indie-prog, rejoice, for The Littlest Viking has come to save your collective soul. With their new self-titled album, the duo of Ruben Cortez and Christopher Gregory (with occasional additional vocal help from an unnamed…)

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Ten (Embers In Ashes, Our Sky Is Falling, Suns, Vampirates, Har-di-Har, die geister beschworen, & More)

Yep, it’s Day Ten of the cool-ass SXSW Overflow Fest shenanigans going on at Super Happy Fun Land, despite the fact that, um, I’m pretty sure SXSW itself is actually over…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: St. Patrick’s Day at the Mucky Duck + The Dead Rabbits + The Zombies + The Skatalites + George Strait + More

Ouch. I am sunburned and in pain, with a back that’s been tweaked over a week spent flying and driving and chasing children and sleeping in unfamiliar beds, and I’m ready to sit down and hang out at the house for a while. Today, however, there’s quite a bit of awesomeness happening…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Nine (The Jarheads, The Horde & The Harem, Schwervon!, Next 2 the Tracks, All the Apparatus, & Alex Vans & The Hide Away)

Alright, so it’s a little bit lighter tonight up at the SXSW Overflow Fest at Super Happy Fun Land, but don’t take that to mean that it won’t be a good show…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Eric Clapton + SXSW Overflow + Sustainable Living Fest + Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside + More

On the road again today — Sat., March 16th — but I’ll try to get a quick post in while the wife oh-so/kindly drives (ah, smartphones & wives are awesome…). Here we go: Eric Clapton/The Wallflowers @ Toyota Center What can I say? I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t go see Clapton if […]

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Eight (The Bengsons, Jonathan Warren & The Billy Goats, Irene & The Sleepers, sami.the.great, Lost Weekend, & More)

Yep, trying to keep up with the ever-excellent SXSW Overflow Fest over at The Land of the Super Happy Fun. Tomorrow — Saturday, March 16th — is Day Eight of the festivities, with 14(!) left to go, which is both awesome and extremely demoralizing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Tegan & Sara/Local Natives + Bernie Worrell + Black Congress + SXSW Overflow + More

Damn. Feels like I missed out on a whole lot of awesome stuff this week, being out of town (and not in Austin, sadly); I’m currently attempting to make up for lost time & get back into the swing of things, so bear with me, eh? There’s some excellent shows happening tonight, Friday, March 15th — here’s what I think looks cool…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Seven (Charles Ellsworth, Yusif!, Pillage & Plunder, Tom Blacklung and the Smokestacks, Big Mess, Kal Marks, & More)

phew. Hey, folks — I’m back in town and online. And holy crap, does it feel like I missed a lot; apologies for not updating from the road, but I was so exhausted in the evenings (chasing a hyperactive 3-year-old around is no picnic, especially when he refuses to nap and has a cold) I mostly just crashed out…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Two, Pt. 2 (The Bottom Dollars, DRGN KING, Cheers Elephant, The Nuclears, & Deathrow Tull)

Alrighty, back again to at least try to cram a few more of tonight’s bands up at Super Happy Fun Land‘s SXSW Overflow festival; still looking at tonight, Sunday, March 10th, y’all. Here we go once more…

(UPDATED) Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Willie Nelson + SXSW Overflow + More

Dang. It isn’t often, lately, that I end up writing up what all’s going on on a freaking Sunday, but here we are, and tonight, March 10th, is looking pretty good. A lot of things are ongoing already, unfortunately — and it kills me that I blew mentioning the {Jandek} show earlier tonight at St. Paul’s Methodist Church

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day Two, Pt. 1 (Roomrunner, New Sweden, Walking Shapes, Grown Up Avenger Stuff, Chateau Nowhere, & Small Houses)

And here we are, y’all, looking forward to Day Two of the SXSW Overflow festival over at Super Happy Fun Land. Tomorrow, on Sunday, March 10th, there’s a ridiculously impressive lineup on the bill, with pretty much something for everybody…

SXSW Overflow 2013: Day One (Time and Distance, Hip Hatchet, Otonana Trio, & Friend Roulette)

Damn. I have to say, this year SXSW crept up on me even more than it usually does; I’ve been pretty distracted with personal- and work-related stuff lately, so much so that until Jason Smith

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: KTRU Outdoor Show + Ruiners + Christian Kidd + Craig Kinsey + Kerouac Fest + Le Poeme Harmonique + More

Alright, people — the rest of this weekend, yours truly will essentially be lit on fire and running screaming through the streets (okay, metaphorically, but still). So here’s what’s going on tomorrow, Saturday, March 9th, before I run out of time to talk about it…

SXSW 2013 Countdown: SXSW Preview Time Is Upon Us

I had a late start, but at this point I am absolutely drowning in the music of the acts heading to Austin to promote their wares at 2013’s incarnation of South by Southwest. I’ve been jigsaw-puzzling my schedule together for the last few days…

Two Milestones: Free Press & Houston Calling, Both 10 Years On

Today’s a big day, at least in the realm of H-town music media, because it’s the 10-year anniversary for two of my favorite publications/sites/etc., namely {Free Press Houston} and {Houston Calling}

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: FPH 10 + EELS + Nicole Atkins + Dax Riggs + Gabe Bravo’s Birthday + More

Hey, all — already into the weekend, I’m afraid, but there’s still lots going on tonight, Friday, March 8th/b>. Get on out the house, y’all…

Christian Kidd & Alexis Kidd, Just a Houston Punk

I don’t know Christian Kidd, not really; we’ve exchanged emails a few times, sure, but we’ve never met in person, never had a conversation longer than a sentence or two. I think the closest I’ve come to introducing myself to the guy — who over the many…

Awesome News: Tom Carter Is Back On Stage and Here in Houston, Next Monday

Heard about this earlier today, and I couldn’t be more psyched; seriously, this is up there with the FPSF announcement in terms of good news, at least for me. What’s the big deal? Well, Tom Carter, expat Houstonian, experimental-guitar maestro…

Jack the Giant Slayer

Once upon a time there was a talented director known for taking what could just be pop fantasy, looking it over with a mature eye, and producing entertaining films that didn’t insult anyone to get to a mass audience. Then his popular acclaim started to wane, and he faded…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Wheel Workers + Mike Doughty + Coheed and Cambria + American Fangs + Drew Ireland Benefit + More

It’s Saturday, March 2nd, now, y’all, and there’s plenty of good stuff happening both today & tonight. Here’s what I’m liking…

The Wheel Workers, Past to Present

With Past to Present, The Wheel Workers attempt a truly delicate balancing act, one that’s impressive to witness. See, the album takes a big, big risk, in that it’s essentially two things at the same time: a pitch-perfect orchestral pop-rock album and a strident, intensely political call to arms. There are bands that can do those things, to be sure, but very few can do both at the same time and succeed…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Knights of the Fire Kingdom + Tyagaraja + Los Skarnales + Wreckless in Texas + Craig Kinsey + Square and Compass + More

Yep, yep, yep — rolling into a heck of a promising weekend, starting with tonight, Friday, March 1st. I’ve gotta keep it brief, so here we go…

Tomorrow: The Tontons’ Asli Omar Opens the Major League Soccer Season

Fans of soccer and awesome, Houston-bred music, unite! Got word a little earlier today that tomorrow’s Major League Soccer season opener tomorrow, Saturday, March 2nd, will feature none other than Asli Omar

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