Tonight: Foxygen & Unknown Mortal Orchestra Up at Fitz

753c154ce6db13f89a7011b32ae0a4a5Okay, so I know the Ra Ra Riot show tonight up at Fitz is all sold out, but don’t lose hope just yet. You need to head to the other floor of the club, instead; trust me on this, people.

See, the other floor (downstairs, I’m thinking) has openers Foxygen, a duo of psych-pop-loving kids from California whose recent album We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace and Magic takes everything good about music in the ’60s and boils it down to a solid, shimmery core of awesomeness. And holy hell, it works. See the full review over here for more on that one.

Then there’s American/New Zealander headliners Unknown Mortal Orchestra, whose bumping, funky electro-soul is freakishly addictive. I ran across the band’s new video for “So Good At Being In Trouble” earlier this week — which, incidentally, features Christopher Mintz-Plasse (aka McLovin/Red Mist) as a guy who tries to get his girlfriend/sister (not clear which it is) out of the clutches of an insidious hippie sex-cult. It’s good, good, good; take a look:

There you go. $14 to get in, and it’s pretty damn sure to be worth it.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, February 21st, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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