Houston Film Critics Present Hitchcock-Fest

Film afficionados with some time to spare this Saturday (November 17th) should think about making the trek out to Katy, where the Houston Film Critics Society and Fox Searchlight will be putting on “Hitchcock-Fest!” at the Alamo Drafthouse-Mason Road.

Spend seven hours with the master of suspense, starting at 2PM, when the HFCS showcases a pair of Hitch’s most popular masterpieces: Rear Window and Psycho. These aren’t just Blu-Rays on a projector, either. The HFCS has ordered 4K DCP versions of Criterion‘s painstaking restorations, allowing you to see these films at a quality at which they have rarely been shown.

And after the trip down memory lane, the HFCS will screen a special presentation of the new film Hitchcock, starring Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren, three weeks before it opens in Houston. Oscar buzz for Hopkins is already brewing, so make certain to catch it early to see what the fuss is all about.

Each film will be introduced by a member of the HFCS, who will give some expert insight into the making of the films and some of their hidden depths you may not already know about.

And here’s the kicker: it’s free.

Seats are first-come, first-served, and those who come for the first film and stay will definitely get the best seats in the house. The Alamo is selling $5 food and beverage vouchers with which you can reserve a seat, but they are going fast.

The HFCS will also be raffling one Blu-Ray box set of the Hitchcock Masterpiece collection from Universal Pictures.

See free movies, drink beer, win stuff, and learn something new about your favorite films. Alamo Drafthouse-Mason Road, Saturday, November 17, at 2PM.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, November 16th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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