Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: David Bazan + Jon Black + March to the Sea + excuseMesir + Distorted Chicano Fest + More

Yes, folks, it’s Friday once again, November 30th, right at the cusp of December — and not-really-coincidentally, also the time of year when I suddenly realize that holy shit, I let a ton of stuff fall by the wayside that I really, really needed to do. Argh…

The Wiggins, The Myth of Man

Believe it or not, the songs on The Wiggins’ latest full-length, The Myth of Man, are pop songs. Trust me on this; once you scrape away the noise and grime and work your way past one-man-band…

The Manichean, LOVERS

Alright, wow. That’s pretty much what flew through my head the first time through The Manichean’s long-awaited full-length LOVERS, and after further listens, it’s still what rattles around in my brain. Sure, I’ve liked the band’s…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Axiom 25th Anniversary (Day One) + The Wrong Ones + Fox and Cats + Folk Family Revival + More

Gah. Fighting the post-Thanksgiving malaise — and feeling a bit cabin fever-ish, too, since there’s nowhere you can really go today and not hit massive crowds — this Friday, November 23rd, so this is a little slow in coming…

Giveaway/Upcoming Show Time #2: Featherface, The Pharmacy, & Sunrise and Ammunition, All Saturday

Yep, here we are again — in honor of Thanksgiving, we here at SCR are giving away another pair of tickets, not to Saturday night’s (November 24th) show with {The Manichean} (see here), but to another show…

[UPDATED!] Giveaway/Upcoming Show Time: The Manichean Releases New Album LOVERS, This Saturday (and You Could Be There!)

Yeah, where’re still a few days away from it, but I didn’t want to miss out on mentioning it amidst all the Thanksgiving madness… This coming Saturday, November 24th, awesomely dramatic, utterly intense art-rockers {The Manichean}

Blue October, Any Man in America

When listening to a Blue October album for the first time, I always like to get a feel as to what exactly the emotional state of Justin Furstenfeld is, so as to see how the songs reflected will sound. The majority of Blue October’s music has been…

Hell City Kings, “Devil’s Law”/“Surfin’ On The A”

Sometimes, simple works best. That’s what I’m liking the most about the new 7-inch from Houston outfit the Hell City Kings; there’re no gimmicks, no hyphenated genres, no quasi-ironic synths, nothing but plain old, straight-ahead rock

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Gypsy Camp + Tilly and The Wall + dead horse + Barely Blind + Fallcore + Stephen Farris + More

Had a long, busy day with the fam at the Renaissance Festival today, so this is running a bit late, I’m afraid; plenty going on this Saturday, November 17th, so get on out there if you haven’t already. Here we go…

Tomorrow: Via Colori Takes Downtown

After a few years of meaning to, last year yours truly finally got a chance to check out the Houston Via Colori street-painting festival in Downtown Houston. Better still, I was able to drag the munchkins and witness the whole thing through their eyes..

Glass the Sky, Glass the Sky

It’s funny, but Glass the Sky’s self-titled debut EP manages to pull of a neat trick, against all odds. Over the course of six tracks, the band does an impressive balancing act, teetering on the line between serious and playful, and they make it work in both worlds…

Delve Into Taiwanese Film This Weekend — It’s Worth It

This weekend, the Taiwanese Ministry of Culture will be showcasing one of the most popular films to come out of Taiwan in the last several years, and it’s completely worth your time…

Houston Film Critics Present Hitchcock-Fest

Film afficionados with some time to spare this Saturday (November 17th) should think about making the trek out to Katy, where the Houston Film Critics Society and Fox Searchlight

Join Craig Kinsey’s Gypsy Camp, Tomorrow at The Artery

There’ve been some truly neat-sounding shows lately, that’s for damn sure, and tomorrow (Saturday, November 17th) promises to be another one, this time over at The Artery (5401 Jackson), northeast of Downtown…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: mr. Gnome + David Ramirez + Sing Your Life + Weird Weeds + Great White + More

Rolling on into the weekend… It’s Friday, November 16th, kicking off a couple of days packed full of cool, cool stuff to do, so I definitely didn’t want to drop the ball on tonight’s installment. Here we go…

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2

Okay, I’ll keep it brief: unsatisfying. Not just The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2, mind you, but The Twilight Saga in general. Depending on your relationship to the franchise, that may mean something…

Title Fight, Floral Green

The fact that Title Fight formed in 2003 has a lot to do with why their latest album, Floral Green, reminds me of high school. I’ll ignore the fact that these guys were in sixth grade at the time (and that I was already well into my college years) and move on to say…

Midnight Norma Lane, Moxy Kid EP

Caught wind of this band completely by accident a few months back and was utterly enthralled by their debut Moxy Kid EP, to such a degree that I found myself compelled to listen over and over and over again, skipping right back…

Video Time: Jealous Creatures + Glass the Sky + The Tontons + The Manichean

For some reason, there’s been a great, cool little crop of videos popping up lately from some awesomely talented Houston bands; I’ve been enjoying the hell out of ’em, so I figured it’d be a good time to do a little rundown of the stuff I’ve seen recently. Here we go…


A lot has been written about Abraham Lincoln in the nearly 150 years since his death, to the point where you have to wonder if there is anything that hasn’t already been said. After nearly a decade of trying, Steven Spielberg‘s…


Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington) may not be much — not much of a husband, not much of a father, probably not much of a friend — but he’s a great pilot. When he’s forced to prove it by landing a crippled jumbo jet…

Counting Crows, Underwater Sunshine (Or What We Did On Our Summer Vacation)

If nothing else, Counting Crows needs to be awarded points simply for staying around for this long. After their megahit single “Mr. Jones,” people were quick to write the band off as a one-hit wonder, although throughout the years…

Tonight: Emo/Pop-Punk Legends Face to Face Go Acoustic

It’s a pretty sparse night tonight — Sunday, November 11th — in terms of shows, I’m afraid, but the one bright spot on the calendar’s extremely bright, as they go… See, tonight Fitzgerald’s is playing host to one of my all-time favorite bands in the whole wide universe…

The Manichean Premieres a New Video, Tonight at Brasil

Gotta hand it to those tireless folks in art-rock ensemble {The Manichean} — they really never do stop moving, do they? And in the same vein, they also know how to build a moment, putting on little mini-shows and events to amp up their adoring public for the actual big “reveal”…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Creeperfest + Future Islands + Island Reunion + Other Lives + Spelling Bee (x2) + More

Yep, it’s Saturday, November 10th, now, and we’re back with the list of what all sounds cool to hear/see today & tonight. Here we go…

Creeperfest 2012 Takes Over North Downtown, Today/Tonight

Meant to post about this last night, but sleep got the better of me… Today/tonight marks this year’s incarnation of Creeperfest, a cool, cool, fun-sounding mini-festival thrown by the gang of oddballs & scenesters who hang out/live at the Houston House of Creeps

Yr. (Brief) Weekend, Pt. 1: Something Fierce + Glass the Sky + The Lotus Effect + Sunrise & Ammunition + More

Hey, all — sorry for the quietness all week this week. I foolishly believed the little touch of cold I felt coming on last Sunday was just a minor thing, but yeah, I turned out to be way, way wrong. I’ve been knocked-out flat all freaking week, unfortunately…


Until just six short years ago, Bond films were familiar and comfortable like an old chair, as each iteration tried to out-Goldfinger the previous one. There would be a couple of Bond Girls with ridiculous names; a briefing with Q…

Snow Patrol, Fallen Empires

The first time that I heard Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars” on the radio, I thought that it was all right, but nothing to really write home about. In some ways, I thought it might have been one of those radio-rock-lite bands that already existed. If I had found out…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Red Fang + Daughn Gibson (MP3!) + Grandfather Child + the last place you look + Chippy Nonstop + More

Last day of the weekend, and while it’s turned into a fairly crappy one for me — a sick kid, elementary school drama, and me feeling like I’m now coming down with what the kid’s got — it definitely doesn’t have to be for you, dangit…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Indian Jewelry (Rev’d!) + The Wiggins + A Place To Bury Strangers (MP3!) + Ben Sollee + Public Image Ltd + More

sigh. Another late, late Friday (November 2nd) evening, and I’m running far beyond due to having promised our ailing 8-year-old a took-way-too-long game of Scrabble. Apologies, all, for this being so damn late; I’ll have to keep this short…

Indian Jewelry, Peel It

I never thought I’d say it, but after listening to new album Peel It, I think Houston-spawned noise-punk nomads Indian Jewelry may just be mellowing out. Just a wee, tiny bit, mind you, and “mellowed out” for this quartet…

Houston Premiere: Walk Away Renée

Houston-born filmmaker Jonathan Caouette creates a touching take on the road trip movie in Walk Away Renee, the sequel to his lauded 2003 documentary Tarnation

Eddie Vedder, Ukulele Songs

Eddie Vedder’s Ukulele Songs is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It is, in fact, simply Eddie Vedder singing along to a ukulele. However, when you listen to this, you will come to realize the music doesn’t quite…

Live: Madonna

Madonna occupies a very special place in my heart. It’s a place where a lovesick 15-year-old boy dreamt of a perfect, unrealistic love. At 15, I was the prince of infatuation and unrequited crushes. The number one infatuation was a crush on a girl named…

Why?, Mumps, Etc.

Sometimes, you miss things; it can’t be helped, y’know? Only so much time in the day, only so much musical headspace to fill in. That’s pretty much the reason I was nervous about the new album from Why?, Yoni Wolf’s onetime…

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