Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Buxton + Frontier Ruckus + Matt the Electrician + Kerry Melonson + More

And now we’re into Sunday, October 21st; not a lot going on tonight, I’ll admit, but there’re a handful of darn good shows happening, even still. Here’s what I like for tonight:

Buxton/Frontier Ruckus/Poor Pilate @ Walter’s
Damn, I love those {Buxton} guys; they’re consistently just this subtle-yet-cool outfit, playing songs that are melancholy but hopeful and smart as hell. And best of all, they dwell in a realm that’s bordered by other indie-folk-sounding bands and that whole alt-country thing, as well, but it’s a realm that’s really, truly all their own.

They’re Bon Iver minus the sappiness, Fleet Foxes if they got seriously, determinedly drunk, or Son Volt if they’d come up from the bayous and chemical smog of La Porte, TX. Check out this year’s stellar, stunning Nothing Here Seems Strange if you don’t believe me. They’re awesome, honest.

This time out, they’re playing with {Poor Pilate}, who’ve evolved somewhat since the one time I saw them play live, judging by their Bandcamp page. Live, they were mellow and laidback, just jangly, woozy-headed country-folk, but the recorded stuff’s got a lot more of a bite and snarl to it, making me think of the sadly-departed Band of Annuals at their best & loudest. Plus, the piano’s gorgeous.

Then there’s Michigan band Frontier Ruckus, who play an appealingly warm, banjo-inflected, low-to-the-road type of countrified folk-pop and do it damn well. The vocals are warbly and high-pitched, almost reminiscent of Clem Snide (whom I like quite a bit, so that’s a good thing), and the music nonchalantly rolls along beneath. Check ’em out:

Taken all together, tonight’s lineup is a near-perfect trifecta or countryish/folky music; highly recommended.

Birds of Chicago/Matt the Electrician/Sean Hayes @ McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
Of course, over at the Mucky Duck, there’s a show that makes tonight a close, close decision. See, I really, really like what I’ve heard from Matt the Electrician, with his unassuming, everyman-like demeanor and jaunty rhythms; he puts whacks the whole “boring, mopey singer/songwriter” thing on the head with a brick and then hangs out ’til it wakes up so they can have a beer together.

Plus, he’s got a damn entertaining, sweet video out now, for “All I Know”; check it out:

He’s opening for Birds of Chicago, who I have yet to hear but about whom I’ve heard quite a few good things. Get there for Matt, stick around for the Birds…

Acous’Mix Re*View, featuring Hazy Ray, Animal Farmacy, & Kerry Melonson (Satin Hooks) @ Avant Garden
And coming in third — but definitely still up there — there’s tonight’s installment of the Acous’Mix Re*View (I think I’m getting that right…), which is over at the Avant Garden this time out.

I don’t know some of the folks playing, unfortunately, but one of the folks who’ll be gracing the stage is Kerry Melonson, aka the frontman of the ever-cool {Satin Hooks}. Not a clue what his solo stuff sounds like, honestly, but it’s bound to be interesting, whatever it is.

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, October 21st, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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