Kickstarter Time: Help Miss Leslie Fund Her New CD & eBook

The clock’s already running on this one, so I wanted to get this post up asap (which, naturally, in my usual slowness, means it’s already a week later than it should’ve been)…

I really, truly love H-town’s own old-school country singer/fiddler Miss Leslie to death, so I’m psyched to hear that not only is she planning on recording and releasing a new CD, but she’s writing an eBook, as well, tentatively entitled Unknown Artist. I know that may not sound all that intuitive, true, but as somebody who regularly reads & enjoys Leslie’s blog, I think it makes perfect sense. She’s turned out to not only be a phenomenal songwriter, but I very good, very affecting, intensely personal writer-writer, as well, and that’s no mean feat.

Here’s the catch, though: recording a CD’s not cheap, and I’m assuming (never done it myself) that writing and releasing a book, even an eBook, isn’t free, either. And seeing as Leslie (whose full name, btw, is Leslie Anne Sloan) is pretty much a self-financed deal, not to mention a mom with all the expenses that entails, she needs help to get the thing going.

So, she’s started a project over at Kickstarter, with a goal of raising to get the CD and eBook released. She’s made pretty good progress so far, with pledges for around $7000, which is awesome, but unfortunately, if she doesn’t make the whole amount by the deadline of September 6th — that is, a week from this Thursday — she won’t get any of it.

Here’s info on the project (and her musical career in general), straight from Miss Leslie herself:

Let’s help her out, y’all. She’s a seriously talented musician and songwriter, somebody who plays Patsy Cline-esque, honky-tonk-ish country that even a pop-country hater like myself can love, and it’d be awesome to see her get this new album/eBook thing out into the world. Contribute whatever you can by 9/6, eh?

After that, Leslie’ll be holding a kickoff party for the CD/eBook on September 8th, at a place called the Track Shack up in Spring, so mark your calendar for that, as well…

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, August 27th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Kickstarter Time: Help Miss Leslie Fund Her New CD & eBook”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Buxton + Ben Nichols + Nava’s Tour Kickoff + Miss Leslie + Crystal Method + More on December 16th, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    […] Miss Leslie, & more @ The Track Shack (Spring) You might recall that a week or so ago, I posted a note about awesome, awesome, old-school honky-tonk country musician Miss Leslie (aka Leslie Anne Sloan) […]

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