Girls Rock Camp Showcase, This Evening at Warehouse Live

Along with the HPMAs, tonight (Sun., August 5th) at Warehouse Live is noteworthy also for being the end-of-camp showcase for this year’s Girls Rock Camp Houston, starting at 5PM. I really, truly love the whole Girls Rock Camp concept, and I’m psyched as hell that the Houston version of the camp is on its third (I think?) year; it’s an amazing, awesome opportunity for music-loving girls in our city, and I wholeheartedly applaud the folks who devote their time & energy to running it.

Tonight is basically the final day/night of the camp (which usually takes place over at Rice, I believe), so this is when the girls get to show off everything they’ve learned with their own camp-formed bands, playing the songs they wrote together. If you ask me, it’s a very cool deal, one that’s well worth the $10 cover. Like I said, it starts at 5PM, and unlike that other music-showcase thing happening tonight, it’s completely all-ages, so kids can come out & see the performances.

My daughter & I tried to go see this last year, but poor decision-making on my part (and a slow-ass waiter at the 59 Diner who was more interested in hitting on the girls a few tables down than on taking or serving our order) meant we got there too late, unfortunately. We might try to make it up there tonight, if the rain doesn’t pour on us the rest of the day…

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, August 5th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Girls Rock Camp Showcase, This Evening at Warehouse Live”

  1. Sarah Hirsch on August 6th, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    This was seriously so much fun to be a part of. I was a band coach this year and it was amazing the songs these girls came up with. I can’t wait for next year!

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