Good News Time: Linus Pauling Quartet Premieres Video on Noisey (+ Updated Release Date!)

Yes, folks, I’m happy to say that I’ve now got some actual good news to even out a lot of the bad we’ve been getting lately, with people dying and bands breaking up and shows being cancelled and whatnot.

Namely, total fukkin badasses the {Linus Pauling Quartet} have finally released the much-ballyhooed official video for “Crom,” off forthcoming release Bag of Hammers, which I’ve been rocking the hell out to for a good month-and-a-half now. The “Crom” video went up today on Vice‘s high-profile music video “channel” Noisey, right over here — and I’ve got to send a virtual high-five to the band for getting it up there, just for starters…

They’ve been promising the video as a masterpiece of claymation wonderment for a couple of months now, and I’ve seen a couple of fun-looking screenshots, but I hadn’t yet witnessed the awesomeness ’til today. And awesome is the word. We’re talking one-eyed creatures, fearsome wizards, fierce Elvish warriors, kung fu, mind flayers, Vikings, flame-breathing dragons, severed heads, eldritch beings, and a crap-ton of red clay blood. Oh, holy fucking hell yeah.

It’s like the best home movie you and your (okay, my) fantasy-nerd teenage buddies dreamt up but never really had the wherewithal to actually put together. Seriously, just watch:

Also bundled in with the video news came word that the official-shmofficial release date for BoH has been pushed back a teensy little bit, from the end of this month (8/28 was the previously-announced date, which I just realized I’d stupidly not ever posted up here) to the middle of next, September 18th, to be precise. Apparently it’s not label Homeskool Rekordz‘ doing, either, but distributor EMI (to which: holy crap!).

Keep hanging in there for just a little bit longer, y’all; it’s worth it, trust me.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, August 3rd, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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