Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Grandfather Child + The Suffers + the last place you look + B.E. Godfrey + More

Damn; it’s looking like a good weekend, folks. Admittedly, tonight — Fri., August 31st — isn’t looking as jam-packed as tomorrow night, but it’s still pretty great. Here we go…

Kickstarter Time: Help Miss Leslie Fund Her New CD & eBook

The clock’s already running on this one, so I wanted to get this post up asap (which, naturally, in my usual slowness, means it’s already a week later than it should’ve been)… I really, truly love H-town’s own old-school country singer/fiddler Miss Leslie to death, so I’m psyched…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Something Fierce + Rudz Anniversary + Benefit/Party for Dr. Rick + Summer Dogwash + More

Yeah, I know I’ve skipped more than a few “Pt. 3″s lately; sorry about that, but in most of those cases, it just felt like there I didn’t have much to say about even the good shows that were going on those past Sundays… Not the same deal for today, mind you…

Hands Up Is Dead, Long Live HandsUp (and Texas Is Dead, Too)

Yep, it finally — and I mean fucking finally — happened. After years of limping along, the denizens of the venerable Hands Up Houston Message Board at last got sick of all the annoying-as-hell spambots…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Tom Carter Benefit #2 + Tyagaraja (Rev’d!) + Electric Attitude + The Pons + Grievous Angels + Ruby Jane + More

On to the next one… It’s Saturday, August 25th, and yep, there’s still a ton of great stuff happening, seriously. Get off your lazy ass and out of the house, eh? Here goes…

Tyagaraja, As Is

It’s funny, but I honestly figured it’d be the other way around. I figured I’d like the first album more than this little tossed-out EP. But I apparently had things backwards. I’d liked what I’d heard of Tyagaraja’s music in the past, and I was amazed a few years before…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Tom Carter Benefit + Weird Party + False Idols + Free The Water + Silver Snakes (MP3!) + More

Holy shit. That is one hell of a jam-packed evening, y’all; tonight (Friday, August 24th) is literally over-freaking-flowing with great, great shows, so many that I’m going to have to leave a few out, I’m afraid. Here we go…

Weird Party, Hussy

Some old, some new, and the hell with what went before — that’s what I walk away with after listening to Weird Party’s “debut” full-length, “Hussy”. See, there’re several songs on here that have been floating around a while now…

Music for Tom: Two Benefits to Help Tom Carter, This Weekend

A month or two back, avid readers might recall that we mentioned that expat Houstonian and psych-rock hero Tom Carter had been hospitalized in Berlin for pneumonia and had to be put into a medical coma to recover…

Ninja DJ Attack!!!: SCR Interviews Le Castle Vania at Identity Fest

Many moons ago, a mischievous gang of ninjas ravaged a young boy’s town, killing his parents and leaving the boy a homeless orphan. As the dawn broke and the smoke cleared, another, kinder gang of ninjas came to the aid of the boy, taking him in…


If your “music” absolutely must have melodies and sweetly-sung vocals and nice, clean production, well, you’re going to want to stay far, far the fuck away from P.L.X.T.X’s debut EP, TIME. If, on the other hand, you’re willing to listen to music that’s rough…

Florence + the Machine, MTV Unplugged

Whenever I hear the title MTV Unplugged, my first thought is always of the epic performance that Nirvana gave, which would go down as one of their greatest albums. While I may have at one point in time owned Eric Clapton Unplugged on cassette, I also had bootleg cassettes I taped…

Coke Weed, Nice Dreams

Rather than discuss the male/female (but mostly female) vocals mixed with that country sound that reminds me of Two Gallants, George Jones, Willie Nelson, and Cowboy Junkies, I’m going to examine what a “Coke Weed” actually is…

Live: Kiss/Mötley Crüe/The Treatment (or, The Life of a Concert Photographer)

I’ve been trying to figure out what to write about the Kiss/Mötley Crüe (with special guests The Treatment) concert I went to a few Friday nights ago at The Woodlands Pavilion. I was able to work out a photo pass…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Iron Maiden + The Small Sounds + Coheed and Cambria + The 71’s + Black Coffee + Illegal Wiretaps + More

phew. So far, this weekend’s not turning out quite like I’d thought it would — spent a stressful morning making an offer on a new place to live, for one thing, which I hadn’t figured we’d be doing just yet…

Lost in the Sun: Surviving Summerfest 2012, Day One (At Long Last…)

I went in without a plan. It was stupid, in retrospect, but that’s how it happened. After meticulously plotting out who I was going to see and when for the past three installments of Free Press Summerfest, this year…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: New York City Queens (Rev’d!) + Knights of the Fire Kingdom + Fiskadoro + Life as Lions + More

Whoo, yeah. It’s Friday, August 17th, and tonight’s looking like a good one. Here we go…

New York City Queens, Burn Out Like Roman Candles

Yeah, I’ll admit it — those New York City Queens kids have charmed me, thoroughly and completely. I was skeptical of the band at first, and hell, I couldn’t even tell you why, but when they popped up, seemingly out of nowhere, and nonchalantly tossed their debut…

I Destroy Your Signifiers: Talking with Doug Cheatwood

Eight or nine years ago, I wrote a negative review of a Doug Cheatwood album, and I’ve been hooked ever since. In 2004, I couldn’t wrap my head around it fast enough to write the review I wish I’d written…

PODiMOUTH Goes Live (and Gets Interviewed)!

If you’re not familiar with the guys over at PODiMOUTH, they have been working tirelessly over the last four years promoting our local music scene through their podcast…

Guardian Alien, See the World Given to a One Love Entity

Um. Whoa. I just finished listening to Guardian Alien’s new full-length, See the World Given to a One Love Entity, and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, to the point where my head’s still spinning somewhat. Give me a second…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: IDentity Festival + New York City Queens + excuseMesir + Perseph One + More

We’re onto Saturday, August 11th, now, and while it’s a little bit quieter than it’s been recently, there’s still some good stuff going on. Here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Latch Key Kids (Rev’d!) + A Sundae Drive + Jealous Creatures + Two Star Symphony + Aesop Rock + More

Alright, y’all — stuck at the house dealing with a feverish munchkin this evening (a fever of 103.8’s never a good thing), Friday, August 10th, but there’s plenty for you non-homebodies out there to be doing/hearing. Here goes…

Live: Latch Key Kids/The Buzzkillers/Dead to the World/The Hates/Llorona

I’m an old-timer. It’s true; I’m that weird older guy you see at shows, the one still wearing the band t-shirt (my wife can attest to the fact that band shirts make up a significant chunk of my wardrobe) and trying, presumably, to seem young. I’m That Old Guy…

Holy Hell Yes: Something Fierce Debuts New Song on Altpress (Then Plays Show, Then Goes On Tour)

Oh, man. Steven Garcia, frontman/guitarist of the always-always-awesome pop-punk throwback outfit {Something Fierce}, had leaked a snippet of this our way a short while back but had sworn me to secrecy about it ’til the full thing came out…

Join the Pussy Riot Today, Outside the Russian Consulate on 610

Saw this a few days ago and wanted to mention it at least briefly, since it’s happening, well, today, Thursday, August 9th, literally right next door from where I work, at the Russian Consulate

Live: 94.5 The Buzz Bud Light Weenie Roast 2012

Friday afternoon, I got the email: “You are approved for a photo pass for tomorrow.” I had actually forgotten I’d asked for a photo pass to the 94.5 The Buzz Bud Light Weenie Roast, and I don’t remember why I asked, aside from the chance to practice photography…

Memoryhouse, The Slideshow Effect

At face value, it’s hard to view Memoryhouse’s debut LP as anything more than the generic musical expression of a subculture guided by the easily-digested values of Urban Outfitters or American Apparel. Maybe it’s the obscure photography jargon referenced in both the band’s name…

Locked Up in MoCo: SCR Contributor Aaron Brown Speaks About Being Arrested While at Ted Cruz Rally

Okay, so this doesn’t happen real often… A little over a week ago, on Saturday, July 28th, we got word that Aaron Brown, one of our SCR writers and our de facto political blogger, had been arrested

CAMPAIGN, The Black Album

CAMPAIGN is a kick in the teeth. CAMPAIGN is about being over your head in debt, having to work a job that you hate just to put food on the table for an ungrateful wife and kids. CAMPAIGN is the face of the working class who are tired of being seen as working class…

Girls Rock Camp Showcase, This Evening at Warehouse Live

Along with the HPMAs, tonight (Sun., August 5th) at Warehouse Live is noteworthy also for being the end-of-camp showcase for this year’s Girls Rock Camp Houston

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: When We Ruled H-Town Pt. 2 + Jaill (MP3s!) + The Coathangers + White Linen Night + Houston SunBurn + More

Day Two of the weekend, Saturday, August 4th, and there’s a ton going on, naturally. I’ve gotta keep it somewhat brief tonight, so let’s just get into it, eh?…

Today: Houston SunBurn Festival 2012 Hits Downtown

Just in case you thought the HPMAs were the only music festival-type thing going on in Downtown this weekend… Got word earlier in the week about a new(?) deal…

2012 Houston Press Music Awards, Right Around the Corner (i.e., This Sunday)

Yes, folks, it’s happening this very weekend — this coming Sunday, August 5th, to be exact. I’ve been sadly, sadly remiss in mentioning it, but the 2012 Houston Press Music Awards is indeed looming close…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: When We Ruled H-Town + Sing Your Life + RACES (Rev’d!) + More

Oof. Heading into a freaking great weekend, and one that’s managed to creep up on me somewhat, I have to admit; I’ve been so wrapped up in other things this week (read: work + hanging w/family from London) that some of the biggest, most awesome things…

RACES, Year Of The Witch

It took me a few listens, I’ll admit it, to get Year Of The Witch, California band RACES’ debut full-length. The first time I threw it on, I mostly shrugged and said, “Next!,” putting something else on after barely a song and a half…

Good News Time: Linus Pauling Quartet Premieres Video on Noisey (+ Updated Release Date!)

Yes, folks, I’m happy to say that I’ve now got some actual good news to even out a lot of the bad we’ve been getting lately, with people dying and bands breaking up and shows being cancelled and whatnot. Namely, total fukkin badasses the {Linus Pauling Quartet} have finally released the much-ballyhooed official video…

FML Friday: Art Institute Breaks Up & M83 Cancels Houston Show

Damn, damn, damn. Universe, why are you screwing with me like this? Did I cut a wizard off in traffic or something on my way home from work last night? I know I shouldn’t be taking it so personally, but dammit, when the bad news rolls in like this…

Tonight: Grandfather Child Hits the Road, at Warehouse Live

It may just be me, but it seems like it’s been awful quiet lately over in the {Grandfather Child} camp. For a year or two there, Lucas Gorham, Ryan Chavez, Robert Ellis, and Geoffrey Muller seemed to be freaking everywhere

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