Tonight: The Rebecca West at the Lanier Theological Library

It’s short notice, I know, but among the pile of pretty great shows going on tonight (The Cult/Against Me!, football, etc., Dr. Ralph Stanley, & Rel the Chosen are all very cool, too), there’s one that stands out for me, and I didn’t want to drop the ball on it completely.

See, tonight marks the second-ever (I think?) show of {The Rebecca West}, the new project of Cameron Dezen Hammon and husband Matt Hammon, along with Ms. Dezen Hammon’s brother, Alex Dezen (who you might know from his “other” band, NY-bred outfit The Damnwells). They’re playing tonight at the Lanier Theological Library (at 14130 Hargrave Rd.), along with Luke Brawner & Aaron Hale, and you really, really need to get over there before the show starts at 7PM.

Why? Well, because frankly, they’re flat-out awesome. Granted, I say that based on the strength of one measly song, “Lost and Found,” but it’s such an utter gem of a track, all desperate longing and hope-tinged melancholy, that I feel pretty confident in saying the show as a whole is going to be freaking great. (Of course, it helps that I’ve been a fan of Dezen Hammon’s work since her last solo album, which was amazing in its own right…)

The song has dug its way into my soul, honestly, to the point where I roam around during the day humming it under my breath — it’s wonderfully sweet and gorgeous and driving, all at once, with Dezen Hammon’s angelic, crystalline-yet-strong voice soaring and dancing across her husband and bandmate’s insistently-strummed guitar. The track made my list of favorite songs of 2011, and for good reason.

And hey, if you don’t believe me, you can listen for yourself; the band’s offering the song as a free download on their Bandcamp page:

They’ve got a great, great, understatedly beautiful video up for the song now, too — well worth watching:

Lost and Found from cameron dezen hammon on Vimeo.

So there you go; meet your new favorite delicate, jangly, sweet-voiced folk-pop band. Now get in the car, brave the rain, and go see them.

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 19th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Tonight: The Rebecca West at the Lanier Theological Library”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » The Rebecca West Hits Cactus in, Um, About 30 Minutes on October 20th, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    […] posted the video for the song previously on this here blog, but you can also snag your very own copy of the song for the price of […]

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